Chapter 56

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Author's POV.

After getting soaked in the rain last night, Aurora had fever and cold just as Zayn said. Non stop sneezes and coughs filled the room. Her whole family was by her side, worried.

"What did you do? You were all fine last night after dinner. How is it possible to get cold overnight?" asked her mum.

Zayn was leaning on the door frame, with his hands stuffed in his pockets, looking at her, with worried eyes. Jason stood beside him.

"I don't know! Maybe it's too cold here!" she said.

"Excuse me, what? As if you lived in a desert before! You were born in a cold country and had been living in it for 18 years. So who are you kidding, dummy?" asked Bryan, rolling his eyes.

Well, he wasn't wrong. Zayn couldn't help but wonder how similar the Wilson's siblings are. All have mastered the art of sarcasm perfectly. Everyone laughed at the youngest. Aurora sent daggers at her brother. She secretly asked Zayn not to tell her parents that she got soaked in rain last night. Cause if they knew, she'd surely be dead.

"Let's not disturb my princess. Stay in your room dear. Take rest and your fever is gonna fly away soon" said her dad, as he smiled warmly at her.

"Sure, dad," she said as she giggled.

"Okay, I'll go make soup for her and then I'll give her medicines," said her mom to Arianna and left her room.

Just after they went out, Arianna and Jason came in front of Aurora. Ari glared at Aurora and asked, "So, you became sick just like that. I mean without you doing anything?"

"Ye- Yeah. Of course!" stuttered Aurora.

"You mean to say that Jason and I saw two ghosts just like you and Zayn in the middle of the night, sneaking into our house, dripping wet?" she asked.

"What?" both asked in unison, with widened eyes.

"You both are caught red handed," said Jason, as he chuckled.

Aurora just let her head down and stayed quiet.

"Let's leave the sneaking out part but you both were also soaked in the rain too! Don't you know that you will catch a cold if you get wet in the rain?" asked Arianna.

"And you too," said Jason, pointing at Zayn.

"I went out in the rain only to drag her back to the car," he said.

Aurora's eyes widened. She gave Zayn a look of betrayal.

"You should have stopped her Zayn," said Jason.

"Yeah. Right! As if she listens to everything I say," said Zayn and rolled his eyes.

"I told her to stay in the car. But being a brat, she went and got soaked in the rain," he said as he shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly.

"Aurora, next time I see you behaving like this, I will tell this to dad, and you know the rest" Arianna threatened Aurora. Mr. Wilson is a very loving father and always gives the best to his children but when it comes to their health and safety, he becomes very strict.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't repeat this," she said.

"Fine. Take rest, baby," she said with a sweet smile and turned to leave the room.

"Take care, sweetheart," said Jason, and flashed his smile.

He then left, leaving Zayn and Aurora alone.

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