Chapter 55

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●Gentle reminder●

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Zayn's POV.

"I know, you are not fine. Tell me Zayn. I'm there for you," as soon as those words left her lips, I hugged her tightly, as I couldn't hold it anymore. Those were the same words she told me back at Paris, but at that time I broke her. How can she be so sweet and kind to me after everything I've done to her? How can she still be the same with me, though I've hurted her a million times?

I needed someone to comfort me. To be more precise, I need her. Though I have pushed her aside, she still sticks to my side. I cried on her shoulders. This was the first time she is seeing me crying and I don't care about that right now. I already have many better shits to worry about. She hugged me back and rubbed my back gently, relaxing me. I cried my heart out. After some time I pulled off and looked at her. She gave me an assuring smile and motioned me to continue.

"I don't really know how to start..." I said as I shook my head. Tears blurred my vision as I looked at the ground. How could I tell her? A shaky breath escaped my lips as I wiped my tears. If it's not now, then never.

"I have uh no I mean had an elder brother. His name was Joe. He was the eldest. I love him more than anything, but he left me very soon," I said as a new tear drop rolled down my cheek.

Author's POV.

"We were very happy as brothers. I never even thought of him as a brother. He was more like my best friend, my hero. Dad was busy with his work but Joe never left me feel the absence of my dad. We did everything together. Though he was quite elder to me, he never left me alone. I had always pestered him to play silly games with me. I was a kid but still he would play those lame games with me just to make me happy. But those lame games are the best memories with him. He always took me to long night drives. I had the best childhood with him. I never thought that our journey would end so soon," he paused, letting tears drop uncontrollably from his eyes. Aurora held his hands in hers and asked him to continue.

"He had a girlfriend named Elena. They were very happy together. I didn't like her at first, but since she made Joe happy, I started to like her as well. He introduced her to mum and dad. They liked her also and treated her like their own daughter. Everything went well until that day. The day which turned our lives upside down. The day that my brother caught her cheating on him with his best mate, Andrew. He was devastated so was I. I didn't completely know what was wrong, but one thing was obvious to my eyes. My Joe was broke. Joe distanced him from us. He stayed with all night, crying in his room. The happy and charming Joe was gone long back. And one day.." he stopped and sniffed. His breathing was heavy. Aurora rubbed his back to calm him down. "It's okay, Zayn," she said, softly.

With non stop tears running down his cheeks, he said, "One day he invited me to his room after many days and asked me to be with him. For one last time. At that time I was very happy because after many days he called me to sleep with him. I didn't know that it would be the last time. I was over the moon. I thought that I'd got my brother back. I thought we were going to be happy again. But I was absolutely wrong. He was still in pain and I was too young to know about it. The last words I heard before sleeping were, "I love you brother. I'll miss you and I'm sorry. Take care Zayn," I never thought that it would be his last words to me. I never thought our journey would abruptly end all of a sudden. I never thought my Joe would leave me like that. At that age, I didn't know what he was facing.

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