Chapter 81

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Chapter dedicated to awemazingbear

Happy reading!💞

Zira Williams

I don't know how many days I have to wait till I kill Aurora with my bare hands. I certainly don't understand why she keeps escaping somehow. Does she have a guardian angel who's protecting her? I don't know and I don't care cause it's me who's going to win. In the end it will be my game; it always has been. She needs to lose this time. She doesn't have a choice. I will break her into uncountable pieces as I planned. She will come to me, she has to. I've told Chris to kidnap her little nephew. Since all the attention would be on Aurora, we have a 0.2% chance of kidnapping the boy. Of course, since Chris works as a bodyguard, nobody would doubt him and kidnapping Ashton won't be a fuss. Nevertheless, I still can't be so sure that we'd succeed. I need to wait till everything falls into place. I'll threaten her that I'd kill him and she'd have no choice than to submit herself. I can't wait to look at that pathetic look on her face. I can't wait for her to beg for her life and his nephew's life. I can't wait to brutally kill her with all my might. I can't wait to destroy her thoroughly. I can't wait to end her fairytale. Call me psychotic, I fuxking don't care. All I want is revenge. Revenge against the bitch who stole my life. 

When people hear my story, they'd think that I am over reacting for nothing. They'd address my rage against her as mere jealousy but it's far more than that. They'd even think that Aurora doesn't deserve all these wicked plans of mine and doesn't deserve to die. They'd never understand my pain. Of course, how can they, cause it was me who lost ky fuxking six years of my life in a fucking coma and lost the man I loved with all my life. They can't feel my agony. They would never understand my rage unless they were in my position. I don't fucking care of what people think of me, I'd do this one as brutal as possible.

I just want everything to go right this time. No procrastination anymore. Chris told me to stay at our home safely and he'd meet me once everything is done. It's been 4 whole hours and I haven't heard anything from him yet. It worries me but I just can't call him. All I need to do is wait and I swear it's fucking hard. I just hope everything goes as planned. A part of me is worried about him getting caught. I hope he is safe. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the door creak open. My face lit up as I saw him walking in.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Don't worry, darling. Everything is going as per our plan. The situation is in our hands," he said as a sigh of relief escaped my lips. Finally, Finally it's happening. 

"So where have you kept him? Is that place safe? I mean I don't want anyone to find it out," I asked him. 

"Yeah, it's absolutely safe. Nobody could ever reach us. Everything is in our favour. Chill," he said, smiling at me. I couldn't be happier. Aurora, I'm coming as promised. Trust my rage.


Christopher Williams

I've informed Zira about the success of our mission and she was glad to hear it. Believe me, her smile was everything. Finally things are coming our way now. Can't wait to fulfil my sister's wish. About that little guy, I looked him up in an absolutely unpleasant dungeon. It had been locked up for many decades as far as I've known. The reason for its abandonment is because of some ghost shit over there. It's been many years since a human ever set foot in there as people shudder at the name of it and consider it as a terribly haunted place. It is the perfect place for us to keep him hostile. That little annoying guy was kinda easier to kidnap than I initially thought. Thinking about it, my mind drifted back to the time I kidnapped him.

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