Chapter 83

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Chapter dedicated to lauraleigh1234
And awemazingbear


Aurora Wilson

I went back to my room after spending some time with Kate and Ariana. I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed hugging my favourite pillow. I never knew when I started crying as the lonely tears made their way out. Thinking that it might be my last night here, in my house, with my family gives me tears automatically and I can't help it.

Every day I spent here with my family was absolute bliss. I was raised as a princess with everything that I need, just at my aid. It's clear that the kidnapper wants me dead and it's too much information to digest. I can't believe it's all coming to an end abruptly. I wish I could stay longer. I wish that longer somehow changes forever. Is it too much to ask? Being with my family all happy? Perhaps happiness is too much of a luxury for me. Perhaps.

I know life is just not always a bed of roses, not for everyone at least but as every selfish human being that graced Earth, I wish it was for me; for us. My life is a perfect example for a terrible irony. I was away from my family for six years and now when I wish to spend time with them, I don't have time left and it unfortunately can never be borrowed. Perhaps this is what God has written over my name when he created me. He started my life as a fairytale and one day He decided to abruptly end it and what more? Is there anyone who can question him? We just have to accept and let our fate do whatever it had planned to do as there's no one who can change it except God himself.

I can't believe that I can never spend my years as Zayn's wife as he always wished. He is a great man to begin with. A dream of every girl out there. He's the best man with whom I'd be honoured to share my life, my future with but perhaps I was not fortunate enough to live a life with him. He had undergone too much these years and somehow his love for me was increasing and now I feel awful for leaving him when I promised to stay with him forever and ever. We did have many fights as a couple but he never let us drift away; he was holding us, our love together. It kills me cause I know how much our wedding means to him. I know how much he was awaiting the day when we officially became a married couple, but what can I possibly do? It has to be done. Perhaps our fairy tale wasn't meant to last forever. 

I can't leave my nephew just like that and let him die just to protect myself. I can never do that. I don't know if I'll be able to protect him but even if there's just 0.001 percent that I could save him, I'm not letting the chance go as I'd do everything I can. I can't let go of the chances even when I know they are slim. Based on what promise I made a decision to go? Although the bastard said that he'd leave Ash alone when I listened to him, I can't blindly believe that he'd leave him but I don't have a choice. One wrong move could possibly kill my Ash and I can never take that risk. What if I tell this to Zayn and the bastard somehow finds it out and kills him the very next moment as he knew he'd be caught?

 If I go there as he said, at least there is a possibility that Zayn would find us both and we'd be safe. Even that's just a one in a million probability, at least we'd have a chance. A chance that might change my life. I know Zayn would surely find me somehow. All we need is time but it's a luxury we can't afford now. I'm sure he'd find Ashton if he had time so I'm just giving him the time. I'm affording that luxury in the price of my life but it is worth it. I can't leave Ashton just like this cause every second I delay, it might be bad for him. So I'd go and just leave everything to the hands of God. Let's see what happens. I have full hope in my man that he'd save and protect us. He has to. Like he'd promise me that he'd always protect me and I know he always keeps up his promise.

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