Questions + Gift

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Heyo people. Hope you all are doing good.
I'm here to ask you a few questions and hopefully, you'll all answer them. Oh and, the next chapter is ready at hand and I'll post it as soon as I get all my questions answered here, by my readers. So answer them honestly and I'll post it right away.

You give me answers, and I'll gift you a chapter.

So let's get started. (Don't make this boring as well. Spice it up, people!)

1. Who is your favourite character in the whole book and list the reasons. (It might be just one character or more)

2. Who is your favourite pair?

3. What do you think of Zayn's character development?

4. In your opinion, do you think Zayn's changed or not?

5. What do you think of Aurora's character development?

6. Who is your favourite friends duo or trio?

7. What is the favourite part of this book? The part where you enjoyed a lot.

8. It's the story going the way you wanted or is having intresting twists and turns?

9. Have you all followed me here and on Instagram? (If not, kindly follow. @thelavishwriter)

10. Zarora or Rarora?

11. Do anyone like Zira?

12. Do you want a happy ending or a sad ending?

(Last but the most important one. DO ANSWER)
13. Give me an overall review about the book. Not just a word or two, but what it made you feel through out the journey.

Answer them all for the immediate next chapter. I promise I'll post or right away so just answer.

Thanks! Have an awesome day!

Thelavishwriter, 💞

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