Chapter 72

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Chapter dedicated to sun_shine_gy_spy. 💞

Aurora Wilson

Zayn and I were having the best time of our lives. I felt loved. The moment was perfect to be frozen forever. He was feeding me chocolates and I was giving him the goofiest smile, adoring the man in front of me with all my heart. My man. I was the happiest at that moment and didn't want it to end. My life was perfect abd a dream for every girl out there. Then everything turned blur. I felt like my happiness was snatched away. All I saw was me running aimlessly in an abandoned area. The place was itself creepy and gave nothing but terrible vibes. I was running and running until I saw a very familiar man. As I reached him, my breathing became ragged and I literally felt my oxygen supply cut off from my system as I saw Zayn lying in a pool of his own blood. My eyes pooled; my hands trembled and my whole body shivered seeing the love of my life like that. I felt like my soul is being pulled away painfully from my body.

I went closer and sat down next to him, taking his head carefully and placing it on my lap with tears running down my cheeks non-stop. I felt my body get cold and with quivering lips I called out his name.

"Zayn? What happened? Look at me please!" I said as he opened his eyes slowly and pain was seen raw in his eyes. The pain vanished and his lips immediately curved into a subtle smile.

"Aurora," he called and why did I feel like it was the last time he'd do so. I felt like dying. Kill me already. I can't face this.

"I love you, baby. I really do," he said with his teary eyes and closed his eyes making my breath hitch.

"Zayn! Zayn! Open your eyes. Open your eyes please! Please don't do this to me! Please don't leave me Zayn. Please, don't leave me!" I begged him, yelling at the top of my lungs but much to my dismay he never opened his eyes. I hugged his figure and cried my heart out. Did he really leave me like that? He promised me that he won't. Why is my life like this?

"This is because of you! It's because of you he's like that. You did that to him," said a voice.

What have I done? It's it because of my fault he's like that? But what did I do? The threat? Why did I leave that carelessly? Is it because of me he's dead? Did I really like Zayn? Where was my fucking mind when I left it carelessly like a fucking moron. I killed Zayn. I killed the love of my life. I am a fucking murderer and I killed my own love. I killed myself by killing him.

I woke up with a scream and saw Zayn in a panicked state. My first instinct was to hug him. I pulled him to my tight embrace.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here. I'm here," he assured, gently stroking my back. Soon my ragged breathing became normal. After a few moments, I pulled away looking at him making sure he's really there. He is.

"If you want to talk about the nightmare we can do it, if not, it's okay. But first just tell me whether you are okay now?" He asked, cupping my face gently. I was staring at him. I was over the moon that it was just a nightmare. Thank heavens. I can't imagine a life without him. There's nothing without him in my life now. He became an indelible part of my life long back. He is mine and there's no me without him. I immediately asked for my phone and did what was supposed to be done. I showed him the message.


Aurora took her phone and showed him the message in a panicked state. The slightest idea of Zayn being snatched away was enough to haunt her forever. Though she is always a daring and fearless one, this particular thought was driving her round the bend. The nightmare felt so real and she was losing her mind in just a second. The amount of pain and fear she felt was beyond one's understanding and it started causing her pain physically too. Aurora was scared to death and it was obvious.

Meanwhile, Zayn's face lost it's colours as it grew pale. Lots of thoughts were swirling in his mind and not one was a pleasant one. There was also one huge emotion; anger. His blood pressure erupted and he had to control himself from bursting out. Every thought caused him pain and the look on her face, the tears in her eyes, the fear she was facing and her trembling figure was already killing him. He felt a thousand daggers pierce straight through his heart all at once. He loved her too much to see her even in slightest pain as it started hurting him physically. He was definitely not sacred of the fucking message, but the troubled look on her face was already doing it.

He slowly kept her phone down beside her and looked at her fragile figure looking expectantly looking at him with teary eyes. He cupped her face gently as if a little pressure would hurt her. She initially expected him to freak out but he was unusually calm. He knew it was unusual but he had to be calm at that moment so he wouldn't freak her out. Her comfort was his only priority.

"Did you tell anyone about this?" He asked, his voice subtle.

"No," she said.

"Are you scared?"

"No, not about the threat, but-" she trailed off, looking down, making him sigh.

He made her look at him and asked, "Are you scared that I'll leave you?" His voice was somewhat strained.

"No, Zayn. It's not it. What if they take you away from me? What if they make you hate me? Or worse, what if they harm you just to crush my sanity? The threat doesn't seem only about me, I can't see you hurt," She said, her voice low.

"Making me hate you is far beyond imagination and will never ever happen. And don't worry, nobody in this world can even touch my pinky without my consent, let alone harming me," he said with a soft chuckle trying to ease the air thickened with tension. A soft smile engulfed her lips.

"Are you not going to ask me what I was going to do about it?" He asked.

"No. I know you'll always keep me safe and it's your problem to worry about, mister," she sassed, hugging him tightly making him chuckle as he hugged back even tighter.

"Sure is," he said, gently stroking her back.

"Should we tell Dad?"she asked.

"Don't. Let's not disturb him. I'll take care," he said.

"I know you will, but are you not gonna tell anyone?"

"No, I would tell it to the lads, Jason and Bryan and I know that you'd tell Kate and Ari, but make sure not to spill it to your mum," he said.


After about 30 soothing moments in each other's arms, Zayn stood up to leave.

"Don't stress about these things, just sleep and take rest. I'll handle them. I don't want my princess to worry about anything. Alright?" He asked.

"Sure. Just take care and don't stress too much. You know, it might even be a prank, who knows," she said.

"I'm definitely not going to let it lose. But don't worry, baby. Night," he said and made his way out not before pecking her forehead.

A long sigh escaped her lips as she sunk on her soft mattresses, diving deep into her thoughts.



Comment your views about the chapter. I wrote it in a hurry as one of my new beloved reader was too eager.

1. What do you think will happen next?

2. How was this chapter?

Vote and comment if you want the next chapter. I'm very particular about it.

Chapter updated on,
18th August, 2021.

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