Chapter 60

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♡This chapter is dedicated to♡, NndhnPrm vini1_3 RizaPatel SophiaRomuli Minyooora

The night was still young and the ride back home was quiet as they just enjoyed each other's presence. Soon, they reached home. Aurora and Zayn got out of the car and went into the mansion. Though Zayn said Aurora not to tell anyone, she told her mum that she'll be gone out with Zayn. So Aurora and Zayn's absence was very well managed by her mum. Before going to their room, Aurora called him and said,"Thank you. Thank you for everything Zayn." with a genuine smile on her face and happiness dangling in her eyes. She was overwhelmed and it was obvious by the look on her face.

"Don't thank me, I'm selfish. Believe me, it was all my pleasure,"

"Good night, then." she said, smiling softly at him.

"It already is the best night of my life, baby." he said and went to his room.

Aurora went to take a bath and do her daily routines. She changed to her silky nightwear and jumped on her Queen size bed. Her thoughts automatically drifted to the magical feeling which she experienced not a very long while. It was like a dream for both of them. A dream which they wish never ends. Everything about the night made her ecstatic. She purely enjoyed every minute with him. She loves him so much and these things made her overwhelmed. She looked at the mesmerizing ring in her finger. It looked perfect like it was made for her and only for her.

"I'll always be there for you Zayn. No matter what, I promise to love you forever." she whispered looking at the ring.

Zayn finally proposed to her and tomorrow is Arianna's wedding and those were enough for Aurora to lose her mind completely. Thinking of all these beautiful memories,she drifted off to sleep, happily.

Zayn's POV

I closed the door behind and jumped on my bed. My heart beat was still racing. The effect she has on me is incredible. Though she was agitated by me, she never once asked why we were at the beach. Anger on me disappeared the moment I extended my hand for her to step out. It was the best walk of my life. Her hand in mine, bodies brushing each other, the night and the brilliant stars made it memorable. The way she pointed at her heels and complained about it with an innocent face was extremely adorable. Though I acted cool, my heart was in a condition where it could jump out any moment.

The moment I knelt down before the woman I love, all my fears vanished and it was undoubtedly the best moment of my whole life. The look on her face screamed that she was waiting for this to happen. Love sparkled in her brown eyes along with tears proved how much she loves me. I never in my wildest dreams expected her to kiss me. I pulled her close by her waist and intensified the kiss, showing her my love, passion and possessiveness all together, making my nerves go on fire. The way she tiptoed and kissed me is like a dream to me and absolutely cute and adorable. We sealed the moment with a perfect kiss. It means a lot to me.

"I promise to love you and only you forever and ever Aurora. You are the cause of my change. In short, You are the world to me without whom there's nothing called life for me." I whispered, smiling at the ceiling.

Thinking about our blissful moments, I drifted off to deep slumber.

Author's Pov

The sun's up, lighting up the whole world majestically just like always. It was only the early hours of the day and yet all the members of both the families have woken up for the big day! Jason and Ariana's wedding! Jason and Arianna are both over the moon and couldn't stand on their feet. Everyone is busy with their work regarding the wedding. Both the mother of the groom and the bride are a bit tense. The flower decorations were beautiful and mind blowing! It's the beach wedding. Beautiful decorations made everything look fantabulous. Love was in the air making everything a six! Everyone was so ecstatic about the wedding. All happy and bright faces added beauty to the wedding. A lot of guards were hired to ensure maximum security. Paparazzi were completely prohibited. Everything was so special and beautiful.

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