Chapter 51

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This chapter is dedicated to harshitasinghfreakou and vini1_3 !

Author's POV

They landed on New York.
As soon as they came out of the airport, the paparazzi swarmed over them like bees. The cameras were flashing continuously, hurting their eyes. Arianna and Jason's wedding were all on the news. Both are billionaires and the favourite job of the paparazzi is to invade famous people's privacy. Sometimes they forget that they are human beings too. They have their own feelings and life which none have the right to invade.

"Are you both happy about the wedding or forced by your parents?"
"Do you love her for her money?"
"Do you love him for his inheritance?"
"Since when did you start dating?"
"Mr. Evans' brother and Ms. Wilson's sister are holding hands. Are they dating too?"
"Are we missing something?"

Asked the paparazzi, making Zayn curse a whole truck. Both Zayn and Jason showed their middle fingers to the camera and continued walking. The cameras started flashing continuously as they began to move. Zayn's hand was around Aurora's waist, holding her close to him. There were a lot of guards surrounding them. Zayn took one hand of Aurora and held it tight, embraced her protectively from the side and motioned her to move, with him guiding her from the side. It was such a scene as Zayn took utmost care of his girl, not letting anyone touch her or make her feel uncomfortable. Jason and Ryan protected their girls from them and took them to their cars.

"Damn." cursed Jason.

"What the hell are they thinking?" he said.

"No wonder even if I end up in jail," said Zayn.

"We all know that they are always like that. Just ignore them," said Arianna.

"Yeah, it was kinda fun actually," said Aurora, earning a confused look.

"Urm. uh well, I mean everything is in the game right?" she stuttered a bit, looking nervous.

"Alright, let's go." said Zayn as he suspiciously looked at Aurora who gulped nervously.

A black ferrari gave its glorious presence followed by two BMWs. Zayn and the others took the cars keys from the drivers. Zayn, being a sudden gentle man, opened the Ferrari's door for Aurora, earning a sweet smile from her, making his heart flutter. They all got in separate cars leaving Harry alone again.

"Why does a hot guy like me, should still be single when these jerks are already dating?" said Harry.

"God! When did you become such a dramatic guy? Get in the car, dumbass," said Jason as he chuckled.

He just rolled his eyes and got in the car.

At Jason's mansion.

"I am hella tired!" whined Aurora.

"Everyone is tried," said Harry in a duh tone.

"So, Ria's room is one the first floor on the right. And next to her is mine," said Jason with a wink, making Ari chuckle.

He continued, "Kate's room is on the right on the first floor and next to her is-" and was cut off by Harry saying, "Ryan. Right?" he asked, monotonously.

"And Harry, your room is on floor two, on the right," said Zayn.

"All go and take rest!" added Zayn.

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