Chapter 50

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This chapter is dedicated to my new reader, my dear friend, Blushrose9

Hope you enjoy!

Happy reading!❤

Aurora's POV

"You love him, don't you?" asked Arianna.

Why does she have to ask such a question out of blue?

Maybe I should jump off a cliff to escape this question?

"Perhaps?" mocked my brain.

"Umm..Who?" I asked.

Such a dumbass question!

Arianna gave me a look which said she'll kill me and dump me in a river if I speak one more wrong word.

I raised my hand in surrender. Trust me, my bubbly sweet sister can turn into a devil in a blink.

"Fine! I'll tell you. How can I tell that I love him when I don't know whether he feels the same about me?" I asked sadness lacing my tone.

"Even a freaking retard can make out that he loves you Aurora and when did you became so dumb?" she said, raising her voice a bit.

She may think that I am overreacting or such, but I'm terrified of being hurt again. The pain I had gone through is not something I could ever tell anyone. It haunts me. It still does. I know he loves me, but I am still scared.

"You don't know. His past still-" she cut me off and said,"Haunts him. I know baby. It's nothing that I had not seen in my relationship with Jason."

I was silent. I didn't know what to say. My mind is so blank right now.

"Tell me what you are feeling. Never bottle up your feelings. I'm here," she said, assuringly as she held my hand gently, stroking it. A smile that bloomed in her face confirming to me that no matter what, she'll guide her baby sister! Only me, her baby!

She had always been there for me and I know that she'll always be there for me and I love her so freaking much. I'll trust her blindly.

"Harry once told me that Zayn's afraid that I'll leave him just like Elena did to Joe.
I know he's hurt but still how can he ever doubt that when there is a crazy girl who loves him crazily? Does he not know about me? I am hurt only because he still doesn't trust me like I trust him," I said with tears brimming in my eyes.

Arianna immediately pulled me to her embrace, as she hugged me tightly. I cried on her shoulder. I needed it. I needed someone's shoulder to cry. Though I've been all happy for the past month, there is still a part of me scared that it might end. There was always sadness behind my smile when I was with him, thinking he might never trust me completely.

"Don't worry, darling. Please don't cry," she said, gentle stroking my back.

"Listen carefully Aurora. I agree that Zayn had felt such things. Bu- but it isn't an important cause, for god sake, he's so damn in love with you! You know that too.
The way he looks at you is more than enough. Trust me baby, he loves you,"she said.

I felt way better after hearing those words said by Ari.

"How did you know that I love him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her, wiping my tears as I pulled off.

"Oh darling, who do you think you are talking with right now? Lemme remind you, it's Arianna Wilson, your sister, dummy! Even with my closed eyes I could tell your mood. And as a cherry on top, that weird smile when I told that he carried you was so obvious. God, you are whipped, girl! To be honest, you looked creepy!" she said.

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