Chapter 43

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This chapter is dedicated to my dear reader, NndhnPrm . She is such a beautiful reader and supported me by voting and commenting right from the first! Thank you dear, NndhnPrm . Happy reading, darlings!!❤❤❤

Ryan's POV.

"You still love Aurora right?" asked Kate with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yes. I still love her," I said as I looked straight into her eyes.

Her face screamed that she was hurt and she tried to mask it, but terribly failed. Her face lost all it's colours and grew pale.

"As a sister," I finished.

She asked "What?" as her face lit up immediately. Seems like my words saved her from great agony.

"I said that I love her as a sister." I repeated with a smile.

Her face immediately brightened. Her pale face started to gain it's colours.

"That's sweet." she said as she smiled in a very adorable way.

Oh boy, I'm whipped.

"Have I ever told you that you are so cute?" I asked out of nowhere knowing it would drive her crazy, while my concentration was still on the road ahead.

She blushed furiously. Oh girl, now you look cuter!

I love the effect I have on her. Her cheeks turned crimson red. Woah!

"Wh- what?"she stuttered, making me smirk.

"You look cute, " I repeated causing her to blush furiously once again.

Gosh! I love doing it.

"That was random," she said, trying to hide her blush which at this stage is impossible.

"It made you smile and that was my point," I said, smiling. I kicked the naughty side of mine and gave her a smile. A genuine smile. She then smiled to herself making my heart flutter.

Am I falling for her?

"Yes you dumbass," said my mind.


The rest of the ride was silent but we were already overwhelmed to talk about anything.

We reached her house and she hopped out of the car followed by me.

She was fiddling with her fingers.


I hugged her and she stood frozen, rooted to the ground.

"Thanks for today," I said and pulled off with a smile.

I went closer and her eyes widened at my action but that didn't stop me. I kissed her cheek and whispered, "Good night."

She was still so shocked to respond which only made me chuckle.

I saw Aurora coming out. She smirked at me. I guess she saw me kissing Kate. Kate rushed in blushing furiously.

"How was your date?" she asked as she leaned on my car with her arm crossed over her chest.

"Date? No it wasn't a date and yeah it was fun," I said chuckling as I was reminded of the beautiful time I spent with her.

"Oh c'mon Ryan. Who are we kidding?" She asked with a sly smirk as she playfully hit me in my arms. I just smiled.

"You love her right?" she asked all serious as she stood straight. Just a moment ago she looked all cute and now she looked serious. Dangerous girl.

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