Chapter 63

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The sun blazed brightly like always. Aurora and Zayn met after six years and had the best time of their lives. They spent the whole day together and they returned home very late, last night. One of the reasons she was home very late was that her dad was not so home but in London. He was there with Bryan to guide him in his new project. Zayn somehow convinced her and made her stay with him for a long time. And of course, that gives the explanation as to why that lazy brat, Aurora was sleeping past 12.

Her mum tried to wake her up which she easily ditched and now she's sulking because her dad had told her to be up. Dad and Mum moved to the States after Ari's wedding. She didn't even try to ask anything from dad because she knows it's already very late. If she asks to be in bed more than this, she knows obviously that she'd be kicked out of her house and she'd be homeless. She was still sitting on her bed with heavily drooping eyes trying to get herself out of the sleepy bed. She lazily walked out of the bed and went to the bathroom to begin her daily routine. After changing into something comfy she went down to the living room. There was not a single soul in there. "Where are they?" she thought.

"Mum?" she called. Still no response.

Aurora's POV.

"What is happening? Did they all just disown me for sleeping? Everybody in this world sleeps and obviously that's not a valid reason to disown an innocent kid like me!" She talked to herself.

"Firstly, you are not innocent. Secondly ,not a single normal being sleeps till noon. And thirdly, obviously if they, by any chance, disowned you, you'd be the one out, and not probably at home," sneered my mind.

"When the hell did my mind become so sarcastic?" I thought.

"I was like this the very first day you were born dumbass," I heard my inner voice making me roll my eyes.

"Stop being dramatic and come to the kitchen," I heard a voice which is my mum's!

I practically ran to the kitchen and saw my mum, cooking. Though there are maids at home, my mum is cooking today which is probably because I'm home after a long time. I mean really long.

"Where are the others, mum?" I asked as my eyes looked for something to eat as I was hella hungry.

"They are off to work. Ari and the kids will come home by evening," she said as she concentrated on cooking. I sniffed the aroma and heck, I was dying to taste it.

"And when will Dad be home? I already miss him so much," I said. I really really miss him so much though I've spent my last week with him.

"I miss him too sweetheart, but your brother really needs guidance in his career and dad is the best one for it," she said exhaling deeply. She misses him terribly too. Aww, how cute.

"Okay fine, and-" I was cut off by her as she said, "Oh and Zayn, came here around 10, found you sleeping, and so spent some time with me and dad before leaving. Such a sweetheart," she said, smiling probably as she recalled his arrival this morning.

How in the world can he wake up so damn early? I mean we both were tired and he woke up early?! Seriously something is wrong with this guy. He needs a doctor.

"Okay. Where's my breakfast?" I asked.

"What? Breakfast? Seriously? You woke up at noon and still have the nerve to ask breakfast?" She said as she shot a glare.

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