Chapter 28

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Aurora Wilson

The sun was blazing bright. It was a pleasant day and all had hella fun. After leaving the Luxembourg Palace, we went straight to our hotel rooms as we needed rest. We planned to leave at night to see the Eiffel Tower. That's definitely the best part. I love the Eiffel Tower with all my heart. Its sight at night is nothing but bliss to eyes. Can't wait to get there!

I just had my lunch and am currently on my bed watching television. Do I know French? Well, a bit perhaps but now I am watching English channels. I should call Kate. She'd probably be mad at me for not talking with her. Where is my phone by the way? I looked around searching for the device. Got it! 

Just when I was about to call her, I received a call and I wasn't surprised to see that it was her. I attended the call and said, "Hello." 

"Seems like you forgot about me! No calls right from the morning," whined Kate. Aww baby.

"I'm sorry, babe. These guys here don't leave me alone at all! Even today they woke me up real soon. I wish to stay in my room all day!" I whined back.

"You lazy brat! You went that far just to chill in your room? You are crazy for sure!" She said, disappointment dripping down her words. 

"It's not the first time I'm coming here," I said as if it was the obvious thing in the world because it was.

"That's not a valid reason," she reasoned.

"Whatever. So, tell me how was your day at school?" I asked.

"It was fine. Though those bitches tried to talk to me, I ignored them like plague. It's boring without you babe," she said.

"I won't say it's boring here cause I have Zayn Ryan and Harry," I said  with a smirk trying to get on her nerves and I knew I'd succeed.

"Okay, I'm gonna hang up the call. Have fun with your Zayn, Harry and Ryan," said Kate.

"You have no idea how much fun messing with you is! I miss you too darling!"I said, trying to soothe her.

"Whatever, take care and stay safe. Don't be a brat and get lost somewhere," said Kate.

"What is with you two? Zayn said the same damn thing earlier today! Jerks!" I said. Why on earth is this happening? These two are always annoying me. God!

"Anyway, what we said is true, isn't it baby?" She asked with a sickly sweet voice which irked me instantly.

"Now it's my turn to hang up the call.Bye," I said as I hung up the call.

What shall I do now? Well, sleep? Yes. I tried sleeping. Key word "tried" but I really wasn't able to and the credit absolutely goes to Zayn. It's quite difficult to understand what he's saying. He's a reserved type. Very reserved indeed. So private. So mysterious.

Only a few understand what he actually means when he is talking. I feel that he has changed a bit. It might be true or might not be; it's just from my perception. He didn't smile or laugh when I first met him. Once in a blue moon he smiles. An actual smile. But now, I see a smile on his face, a gorgeous smile, whenever he sees me or I'm just hallucinating. How can I forget, he doesn't forget to wear his signature smirk on his devilishly handsome face. No wonder why girls swarm over him like bees. He has a dark, mysterious yet an attractive aura around him.

He has a very intimidating look from outside. Very hard to approach. At times, I see myself in him. Like we both are awfully similar at certain things. He does have a playful side which he doesn't show easily. I am glad that he has shown me how caring and playful he is. He can be annoying too but his caring side is literally the dream of all girls. I don't know what I feel towards him, but I guess I like him. He's not like other guys who drool over me for my looks. He speaks his mind. Though he was arrogant at first, he changed himself. Not towards everyone, but towards me. The care and playfulness is only toward me. Which only made me attracted toward him even more. 

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