16. The Quest

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Ari's pov

Ari pushed through the crowd. Who knew, clubs were so crowded and sweaty? They had figured out somewhere in the middle of their quest that the place Apate would be was Las Vegas. They had crossed paths with a former servant of Gaia who had defected at the last moment and now lives in the mortal, hiding from the gods. They promised to help hide him in exchange for all the information he had on Apate's plan or as they learned Gaia's plan. Even in sleep, she managed to make Percy's life hell. 

He told them that it was Gaia's plan B, to defect Percy from the gods. She gave Apate the mirror of Peirasmos. It wasn't much that they didn't already know nut he was able to tell them that Apate would be staying in Las Vegas, preferably behind a loud club or bar in the more shady part of the city. 

This is the third club they've been to and so far Diana has done a good job making them look older than they are with the mist but, Ari could tell that she was tiring quickly. This had to be the one or else they would have to continue their search tomorrow. Ari really did not want to stay here longer than necessary, this place disgusted her thoroughly. Taz signaled that he found something. She and Diana went over to him and immediately felt a malicious aura, around the area. 

"Do you feel that?" Taz whispered to them. Ari nodded and Diana said," Yeah, her lair has to be here somewhere. I hope she isn't in it though, fighting a goddess is definitely not on my wish list this year." 

Ari agreed, fighting a goddess is something they should avoid. Even though Percy trained them a bit in fighting, they are in no way good enough to fight a goddess. 

Taz brought her out of her thoughts by pointing at a seemingly normal metal door at the corner of the corridor and said," There, the energy is coming from there." She questioned how he knew that but he only shrugged and walked toward the door. She exchanged a look with Diana, then ran after him as quietly as possible.

When she got there, Taz was fiddling with the handle. " It's locked," she pointed out. "No shit, Sherlock," he said, sarcasm oozing out, and went back to inspecting the door and fiddling with the handle.

"Stop doing that," Diana said annoyed. She lightly shoved him out of the way and hovered her hand over the handle and muttered, "Alohomora". Streams of rid magical light flowed through her hand and wrapped themselves around the door handle. Then with a 'CLICK', the metal door swung open to reveal a dark room. Ari and Taz looked at Diana in surprise," How did you do that?"

Diana looked sheepish," Just a trick I picked up. It was nothing."

Ari did not think it was nothing but let it go anyway. "We need to find a flashlight or something. The darkness is giving me the creeps."

Diana nodded and muttered something that sounded like,' Lumos.' A ball of light started growing in her hands and it levitated up to the center looking like a tiny sun. 

The features of the room could be seen as much more easily now.  The walls were completely black except for the fact that it was filled with mirrors of all sizes and shapes. It was as if they were in a House of Mirrors except there were much greater stakes this time. Taz screamed in frustration," How are we supposed to know which of these is the mirror of Peirasmos?"

No one dared to answer him. They moved in different directions in the room. I observed the mirrors, a few were circular, oval, others were rectangle, some had thick borders, a few were as tall as an adult. Ari really hoped that it wasn't one of those mirrors. She stopped in front of an oval mirror with a thick gold border. Her reflection looked pale and sickly, then it lifted its head and she could swear she saw its eyes turn red, and lunge out of the mirror. 

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