17. Planet Serra

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Percy's pov

Percy mist traveled back to the library after delivering Ari, Taz, and Diana in Long Island. He doesn't know what they will tell the gods and others, what went down in Las Vegas but he knew that he shouldn't be anywhere close to Camp when they got back. 

The library looked exactly like when he had left three days ago. He had been following the trio in their quest from a good distance, only discreetly helping when they were about to be overwhelmed. Fighting a goddess had not been on his agenda but when he heard that she had been the one messing with his life, he could not sit back and let her talk anymore. She truly had gotten on his nerves like no other. 

"Oz, can you tell me more about Serra?"  he asked him in his mind. Before he had left the library, he had asked Oz, if he had wanted to come. Oz had responded by disappearing into thin air and replying in his mind. Apparently, the emblem on his forearm let them form a bond within their minds, so now if he wanted to ask him something. He didn't have to talk and Oz did not have to form a physical body as it took too much energy. Over the days, he had tried to make conversation with Oz but it seemed he was like an A. I and a small part of a scholar's soul than another person. 

"Serrans are a proud species and would not like asking for help. They are much like humans in their appearances. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two arms, and two legs. Their skin color is more towards violet as is their blood. Most females are taller than males. Serra is a lot smaller planet than Earth."  Percy had gotten used to Oz's straight answers by now. 

He pictured the being Oz had described. Then he adopted that look to match his own. His hair grew a bit more and changed to brown, his eyes turned violet, his skin adapted a similar purple as a hue. His height remained the same, though. His look was changed enough that he could blend in. 

He then walked to the casket that contained the runestones that will create a portal out of this planet. He picked them up and felt the power coursing through them. "Okay Oz, how do I make a portal to Serra?"

"Arrange the runestones based on their size from bigger to smaller in a U shape. Then speak these words 'I summon the power of the all-powerful cosmos to take me away, to rip a hole in space, a gateway to my destination. τοποθεσία Serra."

He arranged the runestones like Oz said and observed the base of the portal he created. He made sure he had enough necessities in his backpack. Thankfully, he could summon food with Hestia's blessing anywhere and didn't have to pack any of it. He slung it across his shoulder and chanted, "I summon the power of the all-powerful cosmos to take me away, to rip a hole in space, a gateway to my destination. τοποθεσία Serra."

He felt the power in his words, the runestones started trembling and simultaneously blasted a black beam which churned together and formed a midnight portal. He took a step forward only to look back once more to the planet he was leaving, one that had been his home for seventeen years. It's time to leave it behind. The thought ran through his mind as he turned back to the black portal and stepped through completely.

Going through a portal is disorienting. He felt as if his insides were ripping themselves and twisting around. He also had the overwhelming urge to puke which was hard since he hadn't eaten anything. Soon enough the other side of the portal opened up and he was thrown out, falling face-first into the ground. 

His body was aching. Groaning slightly, he slowly sat up on the grass. Wait, grass? Sure enough, he was in a dense forest. He decided that this must be Serra. It was definitely different than Earth but he didn't know if that was a good thing or not. The winds rustled the treetops, and soft chirps could be heard. The tree trunks were a peculiar shade of red unlike the murky brown on Earth.  The sky was a shade of dull yellow instead of blue with streaks of white clouds floating. 

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