22. Home Sweet Home

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Planet 76, Mori

Rimor / Percy's pov

Rimor teleported in front of his house. He had gotten better at using the compass teleporter to appear in a specific location. Appearing in front of a crowd wearing the cloak won't be the best idea. He removed his cloak and stuffed it inside the backpack and entered his house. Even after a year, it didn't quite feel like home. In fact, no planet that he has ever stayed on has ever felt like home and he had visited two other planets in the span of last year. 

The first planet he visited was Si nuple. The name itself was out of the ordinary so, he was excited to explore it more. When he got there, the first thing he had noticed the pink sky and blue sand on the ground. Their capital, Valeha was a large urban city. Their main principle was peace. They were friendly to all tourists, the people there were....different. They had almost scaly skin, no one kept their hair long and the gender there was neutral. To up it plainly, they were neither female nor male. They were something in between. They were amazing fighters,
their skin is almost impenetrable. They excelled in martial arts and meditation.
The interesting thing about them was that after they turned sixteen, many of them went into a meditative reprieve to find their purpose and unlock their gift. This gift was present in each of them, different for all but only a few ever manage to unlock it. The Leaders of the planet were elders who had unlocked the gift. He had formed good relations with most of them. His time there really helped him control his emotions and use his powers more precisely. 

The second planet he got to was dreary, to say the least. It was named Neucra. The people here were excessively pale, perhaps paler than Hades, and were almost always sleepy. That could have to do with the fact that it a night for twenty hours and the rest four hours only were day. Looking back Rimor did not get what had possessed him to go to that planet. Oh, yes. He wanted to battle the Nightshades. Nightshades were dark creatures full of evil, they fed on human souls and turned them dark. They were also were very powerful at night which meant most of the time on that planet. Rimor wanted to test his fire abilities on them. He ended up staying there for five months and defeated many nightshades behind the backs of the villagers living there. Behind their backs, because 1. he did not want anyone to know of his powers over fire and 2. he just did not need them praising him and making their gratitude known all the time. They were grateful that someone was killing the nightshades but did not know who it was. That is just as he liked it. 

Something he had noticed about the other planets in the universe was that most of the planets were very small in size. It was that that made it possible for them to let only one monarch or government rule the entire planet. Earth is comparably a much larger planet than most of them. It's how that there are so many pantheons of deities running around the planet only crossing paths seldom. Asia itself can be compared to the size of a planet and there is a forty percent chance that Asia is larger than the planet. 

  He thought about these things as he twirled the teardrop gem in his hand. 'RINNGGG' 'RIINNNG' Rimor snapped out of his thoughts and stopped the incessant ringing of the alarm clock. Chaos! , I am going to be late.

He raced to his forge in the basement which he constructed a while after purchasing the house. An elegant chain mixed with silver, white imperial gold, and tantalum metals sat on the counter with a pendant holder in the middle perfect for holding the teardrop gem. He quickly fixed the gem in place, kept it safely in the pocket of his backpack along with the other gifts. 

He grabbed his compass teleporter, his thumb hovering over the button but not quite touching. He took a deep breath and reassured himself silently that it'll be fine. But what if it's not. What if they have already forgotten about me? What if my appearance will only disrupt their lives? Should I even be doing this? 

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