32. A New Mission

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"Are you suggesting that Chaos is sending a troop of warrior to aid us?" Welch suddenly said looking interested despite himself.

"No," Rimor said. "I am certain that he already has."



"Do you mean that their troops are already dispatched and will land soon?" Trish asked.

"No," Rimor shook his head. "To make it clearer, Chaos has sent a troop almost four months ago. Their ship crash landed on this planet four months ago."

"That isn't possible," Welch protested. "If a Chaos ship landed here, then we would have known."

Trish's eyes were widened in shock. She nodded her head agreeing with Welch. "We have resources and spies scattered on this planet. We would have known if a ship of that stature landed here."

Rimor stared at the smoot texture of the table underneath his fingertips and sighed. "How could you have known when the ship landed inside the palace walls? Do you have a spy of higher stature there?"

Trish stared into his eyes as if she could discern the truth from them and then muttered, "Within the palace walls? But of course, it could be possible."

"What! Do not tell me that you believe his ridiculous story," Welch pleaded.

"Don't you understand brother?" Trish took him by the shoulders and shook him for good measure. "The last word we heard of our informant was that the castle was being sealed and only the most trusted guards could come and go at free will."

An informant in the castle? Now that was interesting. It had to be someone in a high position by the amount of respect and secrecy shown. He'll find out soon enough.

"So," Rimor said stretching the word. "Do you believe me now?" The question was directed at Welch.

"Say that we do, then answer this," Welch replied with a calculating gaze boring into his eyes. "The brutality and competency of the Chaos army is known everywhere in this universe. Our technology or soldiers is not that superior as to the army of one of the creators. If they have been here for the past four months, what are they doing?"

"That," Rimor said while dragging the word, "is something I haven't been able to find out."

"Did you not say you would be able find out such information?" Welch demanded. "Brother," Trish said warningly.

"What use are you if you cannot find the entire story?" he continued furious with his arms crossed.

"Oh please. If I hadn't come here, it would have taken you years to acquire even half the knowledge I just gave you," Rimor snapped back. "You might act all high and mighty but the only reason you even get to hear this right now is because you're related to Trisha. Otherwise, you would've heard this along with the other faction leaders," he snorted. "If you'd even been a faction leader."

Rimor thoroughly enjoyed watching how Welch's face grew redder by the second. If this had been a cartoon show there would have smoke streaming out of his ears.

"Rimor, enough you have made your point," Trisha said sternly, not giving her brother a chance to protest. "From what I have gathered, the Chaotic soldiers are somewhere within the palace territory. That is the reason you were not able to get any more information, correct?"

It did not surprise Rimor that Trisha was correctly able evaluate his situation. She like a good leader with a great strategic mind. He nodded in agreement.

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