26. The Atman

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Planet Yu Tah,

Rimor's pov

The ship was done. It was a new looking M-class spaceship. It was sleek and had extendable wings along with an extra boost of new propeller fans. They had redone the paint job and instead of the dull grey, now it had a white body and blue highlights. Iro helped him out a lot with his knowledge of where needed parts for the engine would be since he doesn't know much about this planet. It was also upgraded with new modifications. Some of which even Iro doesn't know about. At the side of the ship, with silver writing is its name that they had decided 'The Atman'. In another language, it means the soul.

Rimor had thought correct when he estimated that he would be here for long. It's been two months. He did however take the first chance he had in the first week and tell Skia that he would not be coming back for a while. He also sneaked away to a couple of other planets to get some enchanted items and instill them in the spaceship without Iro noticing. He had added a concealment charm so that none other than the ones who knew exactly where to find it and what to find would able to see it. There was also one charm that blocked any scrying magic including the creators from hearing, seeing, or flashing inside. Albeit the latter was very expensive, it was worth it. 

The Atman was much bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. They also added a few turbo boosters to allow it to be able to travel at the speed of light and some shooters to have fun. Iro and his father had also taught him how to command the ship in his short time there. Though he had disliked Sared at first because of him trying to cheat him out of his money. The man had grown on him since he had apologized. 

Rimor and Iro's friendship had also come a long way but they had to their separate ways for now but promised to see each other later. So here he saying goodbye to his new friend on the roof of the Whopping Taeler. 

"I wish had more time left to go with for some time," Iro said sadly. 

"Hey, when whatever training you're doing is done then you can contact me and we can go on an adventure together, " Rimor reassured him. He had given Iro his contact number for his V-pad so he can leave messages. 

Iro looked wistfully at the Atman, sighed, and then turned to him, 'Take good care of it." Rimor knew he meant the spaceship. They had both bonded over sprucing the Atman up.

"I will," he promised and said goodbye one last time and got in his new ship. He went to the front control area and sat on the pilot's seat. He pressed a few different buttons and launched the Atman into space. It was exhilarating. The feeling of launching through the air at a very fast speed gives you an adrenaline rush or nauseousness, depending on if you have a weak stomach.

He slowly pulled down a lever and the spaceship slowed to a normal pace. Rimor looked wide-eyed at the scene before him. 

It was mesmerizing. 

Far away stars twinkled in the dark oblivion, asteroids, and meteors floated lost in space. He saw Yu Tah. It was a small planet with a pink and green surface. He could even spot a few other ships of all sizes leaving the planet or going towards. 

He maneuvered the Atman towards Mori ad put in the coordinates. 'Oh, Skia will be so shocked to see this baby', he thought gleefully. 

But where will he keep this spaceship? The thought hit him like a meteorite. There isn't any room in his house. Where could he keep it? He could just keep it suspended in space in a secluded area but where?

Then a possibly stupid but plausible idea struck him. The only place in the universe that people aren't traveling or too scared to go near is the border of the sector of the lost ones. The sector of the lost ones was the sector of End, the brother of Chaos and Order but he destroyed the people in his when he deemed that they had become too corrupt. Without helping them, he wiped out the hundreds of planets in his sector. To this day, no one goes into that sector. We don't know if there are any survivors on the other side and if they are good or not. Some say that some of End's influence remains there and it prevents both Chaos and Order from going into it. There are said to be strange creatures there that still loyal to End even though he is gone. They attack and eliminate any and all who come into that sector but Rimor had hopes that at least half of them are exaggerated rumors.

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