10. Siblings

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Ari's pov

It's been a few days since they left Philadelphia. It was the only home Ari had ever known but it is also the place where so many bad memories are buried. She will miss it but she is also glad that she left. So that I can have a new beginning, protect my loved ones instead of seeing them hurt to protect. Maybe if I had learned to fight earlier, mom could have been with me today, perhaps I could've saved her. She could've told me what she thought of my newly found half-brother who is in the tent, cooking dinner. But I didn't save her, instead, I froze up at the sight of a monster jumping at me and it cost my mother, her life. 

We were camping on the outskirts of a town in a park. I stared at the tent we had pitched up. It looked like a tiny tent from the outside for one but it was surprisingly large on the inside. I decided then that it must be some kind of magic. 

Over the last few days, Taz and I had pestered Percy with all kinds of questions about Camp Half-Blood and other demigods. He answered all our questions as best as he could but I noticed that he avoided telling us anything major about his experiences there. He also had this faraway dreamy look in his eyes when he thought we weren't looking. I may have known him for only a few days but I already felt like I could trust him and cared for him as a brother.

She could see that Taz also respected Percy and maybe even admired him. Taz had always been more closed off than others she had known. He had been hurt by someone. She could tell that much. She was glad they had found someone they could both trust. When they saw Percy, Ari had to admit, she was scared of him but now that they got know him a bit more, she knew that he wouldn't hurt them but rather he would do everything to protect them. 

"Ari!" I heard a cry from the trees behind me. It sounded like Taz. I immediately ran towards the way the voice had come from. The woods got denser as I went deeper in. "Ari, come quick!" Another cry was heard. 

I tripped on a rock and a shadow loomed over me and bellowed, "Half-Blood FOOD." I looked up and saw a burly monster with one eye. It was a cyclops. Mom had told me stories about the destruction they brought about. I shot up and headbutted him. The cyclops stumbled back a bit and I got up quickly turning to run back but a figure lying on the ground in the corner caught my eye. Taking advantage of my distraction, the cyclops hit my head with a rock. Black spots danced in my vision, the last I saw was a cloaked person jump between me and the cyclops before my head hit the ground.


Percy's pov

They all had simple jobs. Percy was going to make or summon dinner while Taz got some firewood from the nearby trees and Ari kept a lookout for monsters or even worse, interfering mortals.

Percy quickly summoned a feast fit for royalty for the three of us and went outside to call them in. When he got outside, however, it was deserted. No one was in sight. A metallic glint in the dark caught his eye. He went over to the rock and picked up Ari's sword. This worried him, Ari would not have left her sword like this unless..........

Percy placed the sword back on the rock and started looking around for tracks. He found them, leading into the forest behind their campsite. Something about this whole situation seems fishy. He mentally cursed  He should not have left them alone, what if they're in danger. He ran silently through the forest following the tracks until he saw two figures ahead. 

One figure was staring at something that he couldn't see clearly and the other abnormally huge figure sneaked up from behind and threw a rock at her. Percy could see that it was a female now, she fell unconscious, he took the opportunity and jumped between the two figures only to realize that the female was Ari and it was a cyclops he was facing.

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