31. The Dermiti Rebellion

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The room wasn't the most impressive he had seen but the people were surely interesting. Ten give or take Regulians stood in a circle around a circular table. That wasn't the thing that interested him though. A woman clad in a green cloak stood out among the others. She had pale skin and no signature antennae that are always present on a Regulian's head.

She was casually leaning on the wall behind her while the others looked like they had just finished an explosive argument. A bulky looking man glanced at us before promising, "I will take care of it by tomorrow sundown." He passed Rimor with a brief 'Excuse me'. The others said some similar things and left in a file until only three others remained standing around the table.

"Good afternoon rebel leaders. As promised, this is Rimor Elpis, the newest recruit," Shira presented him with a wave of his hand like he was a prize brought home.

"Umm, hey," Rimor said.

"He is the one who managed to salvage and save our previous raids?" a lean man with sharp eyebrows asked incredulously. The way he said it made Rimor bristle.

"Well, it definitely wasn't any of the cowards you sent on the raid," Rimor snarked back.

The foreign woman standing across from the man looking blankly at the wall turned to face him as a spark of interest flashed in her aquamarine eyes and Shira quietly snickered.

The man looking directly at Shira was certainly not expecting that reply and glared at Rimor. "Watch your words, recruit. I am one of the founding leaders of this rebellion. Your life would be very hard if you ended up in my faction."

It was a warning and a threat; he could see it and Rimor should back off but he had never been the one to play it safe. He had swum into the deepest oceans, trespassed on lands inhabited by the most dangerous creatures, driven head first into planets he knew nothing about and challenged the authority of gods. This arrogant rebel leader won't crush his spirit.

"You are as threatening to me as a catfish. In simpler words, not at all," Rimor sneered. "Your words mean nothing because I will never be under your command."

"That is enough," The woman at the end of the table announced. "No, Welch, I mean it. Enough," she said sternly as the man-Welch opened his mouth in what he suspected was a protest. Rimor concluded that the woman must be the ultimate leader of this rebellion.

"Mr. Elpis," she started. "First of all, welcome to the Dermiti Rebellion. Your help was much appreciated in our latest raids."

"Which I recall to be one of the groups in your faction," the foreign woman (Gods, he should really learn their names) interrupted with a curious smile directed at the man standing across the table. "Wasn't it, Welch?"

"Yes, it was," Welch said between his gritted teeth. "But rest assured they will not be going into another raid for a long time until I am assured that such travesty would not occur again."

"Good," the leader said. "Now, that that has been established. I think we should introduce ourselves. I am one of the founding members and the head of Dermiti rebellion – Trish Raxcofalapus II."

"Quebe Yeshnar, leader of the fourth faction of the Dermiti Rebellion," the foreign lady acknowledged them with a nod.

"Welch Raxcofalapus, a founder and the leader of the fifth faction of the Dermiti Rebellion," Welch grunted annoyed.

"Well... you know me, Shira Feroros, member of the first faction," Shira introduced himself cheerfully.

"Right," Rimor nodded. "My name is Rimor Elpis as you probably know."

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