25. To Space We go!

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Planet Mori,

Rimor's pov

Rimor ran as fast as he could, the wind stung his eyes and jumped over stray logs and roots of the trees. His bare feet crunched the dry leaves on the ground as he ran across the forest. From the corner of his eye, he could see a black blur parallel to him if not a little ahead of him.

"Not this time," he murmured and took off with a greater speed leaving dust in his wake. 

The black figure moved quicker too and for a while, they were moving on the speed. They moved out of the tree's shade and into a clearing. The grass was brown and covered in sand and shells. They raced to the single tree in that clearing. A willow. 

For a while, Rimor had gained the lead but suddenly, his foot stuck on a smooth object embedded deep in the ground and his face came crashing down to meet the sand and wilted grass. He could hear soft chuckling from far away in his mind. 

It seems I win again Pai. The voice chuckles in amusement.

Rimor doesn't even attempt to get up from his place on the ground and only rolls to face the sky. Mori had one of the most beautiful skies he had seen yet. "Haha, laugh it up. A race of a tigress against a human is very fair," he grumbled.

His face was suddenly licked by a sloppy tongue. He looked up to meet violet eyes and dark fur. Aww, is the little human upset?

He pouted and mumbled," No, I am not upset. I'm just agitated."

Whatever. She then lifted his collar up by her teeth and started dragging him back into the forest not caring when his legs hit numerous obstacles. "Ow ow ow ow, you let go now. I can walk by myself now."

As soon as he said that his head hit a hard rock. "Ow, what'd you do that for, Skia?" He rubbed his wounded head and looked up at the black tigress who looked quite amused to see him in pain. 

See, somehow bringing Skia to Mori affected her growth and she grew a lot faster than is normal for tigers. That is she grew to an adult tigress in a year only. She also got a few abilities he didn't think were possible. She speaks in his mind and can teleport from one place to another. She can also grow her claws and teeth when she hunts or is in a fight. They even learned to fight together. Not that they can do it much since he is supposed to an explorer with less to no knowledge of fighting. 

Oh, and she can also turn into a tattoo on his bicep so that no one notices her. Most of the time though, she likes to be outdoors more often. 

He slowly got up, dusted himself, and walked with her to their house. The house was the same since he redecorated except for the new room for Skia. He entered the house and sat comfortably on the couch while Skia yawned and rested on the carpet. 

He grabbed the V-pad from the desk and scrolled over the news section. There was nothing interesting, just the usual. A wanted criminal being found, a planetary fire, planets declaring war, a new species of cats until he came upon an interesting article. 

Earlier this week, a minor Planet Ferora was attacked by some unknown forces. The entirety of the planet has been wiped out. The planet had a population of one million citizens according to their last census. This planet was on the edge of the border that crossed into the sector of the lost ones. The ferorians were known to non-aggressive and placating in their approach to other planets. None of the planets held a harboring grudge. Was this massacre a planned attack or are these new creatures invading the planet for a new home? The latter seems to be unlikely as a passerby space traveler reported a picture of a large spaceship with a peculiar symbol on it. Who are these murderers and where did they go? The agents of Order are investigating the attack at Ferora at this very moment.

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