4. The Gifts

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Earth, Planet 616

3rd person pov,

As soon as Percy finished praying to the only goddess he trusted, five bling flashes of light appeared. Percy looked away in time and saw Hestia, Hades, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Hephaestus.

The five Olympians could see the mix of emotions on Percy's face, confusion, shock, and wariness. He quickly stood up and his hand went to his pocket. Hestia stepped forward in an attempt to calm him. "We are not here to cause harm or to bring you back to Olympus, young hero. We disagreed with the rest of the council and only want to help. Your father would've come as well but he was forbidden."

He seemed to take in that explanation and relax a bit but his stance was still of one wrong move and he'll be gone. "Alright then. I don't want to be disrespectful but I only asked Lady Hestia for guidance. Why do the rest of you want to help me?"

The Olympians all looked at each wondering how to approach this question. Hades shrugged," You gave me respect, and the only reason I am welcome in Olympus is because of you even if I hate to admit it." He muttered the last part but Percy heard it. Aphrodite then stepped forward, tear stains were on her cheeks. "Your relationship with Annabeth was one full of such love I had not seen since Helen and Paris. I do not know what happened to Annabeth but I feel like an obligation to help you find another love and move on." At Annabeth's name, Percy tensed.

Hephaestus said that the gods shouldn't just be deciding the fate of demigods just because they might become powerful as they did his. Hermes said that he owed Percy for trying to save Luke and let him be the hero in the end. Percy took all this in and slowly nodded. "So can you tell where to go where I can be safe from the other gods?"

They looked to be having a conversation with each other. Hestia then stepped up and said," Yes, we can tell you of a place where you can hide for a while but before that, we have a few gifts if you accept them." She pleaded silently that he accept them with her eyes. Percy hesitantly nodded in acceptance.

Aphrodite then clapped her hands in glee. "I give you the gift to transform any of your physical features as you wish."

Hephaestus then stepped forward after his wife was done. "I am giving you the blessing to be able to forge weapons to rival my own children's forgery."

Hermes gave him the ability to speak any language and light-footed so that nobody could hear him coming.

Hades summoned a dark green cloak. He said that the cloak would hide his presence and aura in shadows and allow him to shadow travel. It will also hide most of his face and the hood can only be pulled down by the person wearing it.

Percy thanked all of them and they flashed away leaving Percy with Lady Hestia. She smiled. The smile was full of warmth and hope. She hoped that the gifts would urge him to live fully again. It made her that such a great hero was betrayed and made an outcast. Frankly, Hestia was angry that her family has turned their backs on him after all Percy had done for them. She hoped that her gift would make him hopeful once again.

"Perseus, you have done many great things. You gave hope to those around you and led them to victory. You more than deserve this. Would you do the honor of becoming my champion?"

Percy was stunned by this request. The emptiness inside of him slightly decreased that Hestia thought he was worthy. So he accepted.

"You now have the power to manipulate fire and the ability to heal and give hope to those around you." Footsteps could be heard walking in the forest. "You must go to Brooklyn. I believe you have friends in that pantheon. Ask them to hide you there as long as they can. Now go, my champion. Do not let the hunters catch you."

With that final advice, Hestia flashed away, leaving the scent of firewood and home. The sound of the footsteps was getting louder. Percy put out the fire, packed up his tent, put on Hades' cloak and shadow traveled to Brooklyn. 

Percy was exhausted from all the running. Hopefully, they will help him here. He remembered that they had said that their gnome? .......or was it nome? Oh yeah, it was their nome. But they didn't say where in Brooklyn it was. He just needed to find people in cotton with wands or curved swords. That wouldn't be hard at all. (Note the sarcasm) 

The low growling sound from behind him snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned and came face to face with an angry-looking chimera. He jumped back and uncapped riptide turning it into a glowing bronze sword. "Good boy, good little chihuahua. Now tell me where's Echidna?" The chimera responded by charging him. Percy rolled to the left and struck it down. "I'll take it that means it's just you today then." Okay then, he could handle this alone. 

The problem arose when it started breathing fire. Percy dodged the fire which singed the tips of his hair and only then remembered that he was immune to fire now. By then, the chimera had lunged at him, jaws open. He reflexively stabbed it in the face promptly forgetting the poisonous snake tail which took the opportunity to bite him in his arm. He couldn't get an opening to strike. Then something weird happened, the chimera got tied up in a glowing golden rope which seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Percy took his chance and cut his head, causing the monster to erupt into gold dust. Exhaustion washed over him, his knees buckled, and fell to the ground. 

He saw a boy with clean-shaven black hair and brown eyes run up to him and kneel beside him just as the world went black. His last thought was 'I hope that he didn't think I was too weird'.

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