30. May Regulia Rise Again...

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A/N: Hello Everyone! 'Phew,' I am so glad that this chapter is done. I was having a major writer's block where I did not want to write anything at all. It was torture. I was so bored studying every day. I originally wanted to write a bit more of this scene but in the end, I decided that it was best to just leave it where it was at.  So anyway...


Over the past few weeks, Rimor had learned a lot more about Regulia. The next day after Rimor and Darla had made the agreement, the tax collector had paid them a visit. This time though Rimor stayed inside the house and watched in ever increasing amusement how the guard's eyes widened, and his face puffed up in anger like a child on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

That was the most amusing incident that occurred in the two weeks that he had been here. They had a routine nicely set up by now. He helped Darla with her shop in the morning and the evening. He took a break in the afternoons and got himself acquainted in the neighbourhood. It was the nights that he had come to look forward to the most because he could adorn his cloak and sneak out to patrol the planet check out its mechanisms for real without the many eyes following him wherever he went in the daytime.

Rimor finished up with the last of the customers and closed the shop for the afternoon. The look of this shop was immensely misleading. In no way was it as run down as it looked like. They had regular customers and a steady supply of products.

"Are you ready?" came a gruff voice from behind Rimor. He calmly finished locking up and gave the Regulian behind him an unimpressed stare.

"You should have learned by now that you can't sneak up on me, Shira."

"Yes, yes but I was so sure you would not have noticed me this time," the red skinned man whined.

Rimor only rolled his eyes and put on the hood of the ratty brown cloak that Darla had lent him. They walked quickly and turned in a few different directions just so no one would be able to follow us. They did not talk much, only trudged on silently. They soon reached the city walls. They were these big stone walls crafted to only have two gates. Both of those gates had at least five guards on watch.

Rimor and Shira didn't linger long near the walls. They stealthily followed the wall east to the mountains. Soon they came across a giant boulder covering an opening. They went around it into a gap hole that allowed one being to enter it. They descended into the dreary cave; the occasional dripping sounds of water gave it a creepy feeling.

They came upon a metal door soon enough. Shira knocked in an intricate pattern and his voice echoed, "Ashid dorven kalamunto".
May Regulia rise again.

The metal door slid open to reveal a bustling hall. Rimor was impressed. Their headquarters were hidden inside a mountain. These rebels clearly knew how to hide in sight. It was going to be very interesting working together. Cosmos knows that Rimor did not working in a team in years. He just hoped that he wouldn't get too attached to them. His leaving after this planet was free was inevitable.

He still remembered the day he discovered the rebellion that was hyping up.

It had been a week since he had moved into the spare room in Darla's house. It wasn't that bad. He had slept in worse places. Although there was something suspicious going on with her shop and its income. The shop receives decent money for her to live comfortably yet it seems like every other day more than half of it disappears.

Rimor asked Darla what happened to the money one day. She only replied, "It's for the use of those who need it."

Rimor assumed that she meant the poorer Regulians down the street but wasn't entirely convinced of this answer. There was something more going on here but he could sense it wasn't anything malicious. So, he accepted the answer, for now.

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