28. A Daunting Hope

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Planet Vima'at,

Rimor's pov

Vima'at was a beautiful planet. It was the perfect mix between technologically advanced and nature friendly. On a normal day, he would have loved to explore more of the planet and meet the natives but right now all he wanted was to teleport out of there. To do something that would get him out of this confrontation. If he had known that they drag him to interrogation after he had saved their lives, he wouldn't have bothered. Then again, he could not have left them to die and he would not have bonded with Regina if he had.

Now here he was, sitting on a bench in the palace. Did he mention he was sitting in the throne room? 

Olympus was definitely put to shame compared to Lady Order's palace. The architecture was exquisite and complicated yet it fits in like a puzzle piece. He could see a couple of greek and roman styled pillars but other than that it was nothing like Olympus. The thone itself was a high marble throne with a maroon cushion and the symbol of order etched on to it. There was a hieroglyphic he recognized as well, it was the Egyptian symbol of Ma'at. Now that he thought about Ma'at was worshipped by the Egyptians and is supposed to be representing order and harmony. It made sense that Order had that on her throne seeing as she is Ma'at's embodiment. 

Though this did bring another wave of confusion as the Egyptians had fought Apophis who was most definitely evil and tried to make the world fall into chaos. Yet they believed that he was the embodiment of chaos but now that he has discovered the universe and its ways he can very well go as far as to say that Apophis could not have been the embodiment of Chaos and Chaos himself is not evil or hellbent on spreading unneeded chaos throughout the universe. 

This thought puzzled him greatly and he wondered how it all fit in and what was the story behind it all. A cough brought him out of his inner musings as he looked up to see the three fighters standing beside him. "Yes?" he asked.

The fire-resistant girl who he learned was named Makila glared at him and said," Her Majesty, Lady Order will be personally attending to you so you better have your answers straight or hello to prison life."

He looked at her incredulously, "What's your problem? Why are you looking at me like I kicked your injured puppy?"

Makila's glare only intensified and she gritted her teeth, "My problem is that you just had to butt in when you were not needed."

"That dragon was going to maul you to your death before I as you so eloquently put it 'butt in'. So sorry, for not leaving you three to die brutally." he said while rolling his eyes. 

"Why you little-" "Don't mind her. She's just irritated that we had to be saved by a civilian when we were trained to protect them," the girl whose bruise seemed to have been healing fast interrupted. Her name if he had heard correctly was Julie. 

"And we are grateful that you distracted the dragon and saved us in time," she continued and the boy in the middle whose name was Kam nodded in agreement and signed something that he wasn't able to catch. 

But Julie seemed to have fully understood and said, "Kam would also like to thank you but one of the scales of the dragon pierced his through slightly and he can't talk for the next few weeks."

Rimor smiled at them and said, "Your welcome, and I hope your voice gets better."

Kam smiles back at him and gave him a nod. Malika glares at them both and insists, "We would have been fine if he had stayed out of it. I could have handled that dragon."

"Clearly," Rimor muttered under his breath but Julie seems to have heard it. She turned to her friend and said, "Just drop it, Malika." 

Just before she could give another retort a bright flash erupted in the center of the room. When the light died down, a woman stood in its place. She had fully black skin which shone in the light and little twinkles of stars could be seen. It was like the entire galaxy could be seen in her. As soon as she stepped forward, waves of ancient power washed over him. The three others bowed and got one knee in unison as if they had done this before. 

Savior Of The Universe [A Percy Jackson Fanfiction] [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang