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f o u r
S p e n c e r
c a r s

I watch her carefully as we make our way back to the hotel. Nothing she does gives her away, she knows we will all profile her, so she does nothing wrong. The hotel staff show her to her room and hand her the card to let herself in and out at any time. I lean against the wall as she continuously swipes the keycard. I hand her a phone with all the teams numbers saved. "You'll probably get a call early in the morning but try and get some sleep tonight before you wake up."

"You're not coming in?" She asks, confused.

"No?" I'm equally as confused as her.

"So you're not going to watch me sleep incase I try to run?" She asks, relieved. I open my mouth to speak when Derek comes up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Seems as you asked so nicely Darling, yes he is going to." Both our heads snap in Derek's direction. "In you go. Have a nice sleep." Morgan ushers is both into her hotel room, I give him a quizzical look.

"I did it yesterday!" I whine, earning a scoff from Averlyn.

"I did it yesterday." She mocks. "I'm fine by myself, I don't need a babysitter." She rolls her eyes at Derek, and gives me a cocky smile. She's fitting herself in, and is relaxing more to be her cocky self.

"Why, feel like running away?" Derek smirks and earns a death glare from Averlyn. "Alright, enjoy your night." He leaves with a short wave of his hand, shutting the door as he answers a call from Penelope.

"You can leave if you like, you don't have to watch over me. Get some sleep." She pats my back, moving over to the bed where she collapses into the mattress. She lets out a satisfied groan as she nestles her head into the pillow. Instead of leaving, I follow Derek's rules and take a seat on the couch, getting myself comfortable with my hands behind my head. "Hey! I'm serious! You can leave." I close my eyes and smile,

"I'm tired, goodnight." She sighs, grabbing the clean clothes she was given and changing in the bathroom. When she comes back out, she purposely throws a pillow at me. I don't retaliate, only giving her an amused smile before sleep finally starts to hit me.


I'm awoken by my phone ringing on the coffee table next to me, and the strong smell of shampoo seeping from the bathroom. Averlyn walks out wrapped in a towel, drying her hair with a separate one. I pretend to still be asleep and ignore my phone, but she throws another pillow at me to wake me up. "Answer it." She groans, walking around her hotel room out of boredom.

"Doctor Spencer Reid." I rasp, rolling over on the couch. "They're evolving." I mutter to JJ on the other end of the phone. "Yeah we'll be right there." I hang up and run a hand through my hair, sighing.

"What?" She asks and I wish I didn't have to tell her they've killed again. The pained look on her face proves to me she already knows the news. "Again? Is it as bad as the last?" I nod and watch her eyes water. If what she went through wasn't enough torture, the people that abducted her are still out there torturing more women and she can't do anything about it. I stand up and watch her take a deep breath in and exhale sharply.

"Hey, we'll find them. And they can't hurt you, so let's get out there and find them." I whisper and Averlyn nods, moving past me to change out of her towel. While she changes I sneak back to my hotel room and change into something that isn't crinkled. When I'm finished changing, there's a knock at the door and a very impatient Averlyn waiting outside. "You're ready already?" I ask, surprised. I thought it would take her at least an hour.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now