{6} Train Wreck

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A v e r l y n
r e m i n i s c i n g

The Beauro is massive. I'm surprised everyone knows how to get around. We all cram ourselves into a lift and Alex presses floor six. Everyone's laughing, until the doors open and a woman dressed in bright clothes meets us with a serious face. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" Derek says, pushing past us to wrap an arm around the girls shoulders.

"I just got more news about the body found. Ava Baker, she was a college graduate. Recently got a job as a yoga teacher." The woman hands each of us a file, when she reaches me, she pauses.

"Uh, Penelope, this is Avery. She's working with us for this case." Spencer introduces me, I give her a small, friendly wave. Penelope is quiet and stays frozen until a giant smile sets across her face.

"Penelope Garcia, tech analyst. At your service." She shakes my hand and hands me a file. Being handed this file makes me think I have a good job. That I'm a part of this. Like I'm not being used. "I like your jacket." She says to me, bright and chirpy, as if it wasn't 11.pm, as if she wasn't sleep deprived.

"Alright, let's just get to the round table room. Talk over what we've already got. Maybe we've missed something." I follow them all through the floor to a separate room. There's a low light on this floor, not many people are here. There's a calm aura tonight, it makes me feel homely. They all take a seat at a round table - I didn't expect to actually take the round table room seriously. There's evidence scattered all over the table, an evidence board has already been set up and Spencer's geographic profile is also set. "So the photo of Avery proves it's them, but why come to Virginia, it doesn't make sense." Hotch speaks up, shaking his head as he gently rubs his chin. He leans back in his chair and groans, rubbing his eyes to keep himself awake.

Over the past week I've started to like Hotchner more, he isn't as bossy and strict as I thought he would be. "No, there is something that connects these victims." Spencer states, looking up from the three victim files. "Up until now there have been two recent victims that were well known, now with Ava Baker, that makes three. They went from picking up girls from the streets, to picking up well known, popular girls. Girls that would be missed." We all nod along and Spencer gets up from his chair, grabbing a whiteboard pen he scribbles down the three victims names. Alyssa Buttons, Amelia Bronson, Ava Baker. He then writes my name down at the bottom.

"Before Avery was abducted, you had no friends, correct?" I nod and stay silent. "You were living in your car. Now, they've started targeting girls who are popular, who have friends." Spencer draws a circle around the first letter of the four names, and the first letter of the surnames. "They're re-living their first victim." When he stands back from the board it all becomes clear. They're targeting girls who remind them of me. Girls with the same initials, who were once nothing but now they believes the team are my friends, so they target girls who have more popularity in the area. They wanted to drag me back here this whole time. I'll never be able to leave them behind.

"They think I have friends now, so they take more social girls. They're basing their fantasy on me?" I ask, startled. Please tell me he isn't serious, "you mean I'm the limelight for their fantasies?" Nobody speaks, but they all know the answer. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I run about of the room but with no clue where the bathrooms are, so instead I hold my ground until I reach the ground floor and I'm running back out the entrance I came in. I throw up in the nearest bush, unaware of the agents staring at me until there's a familiar voice soothing me and holding my hair back. Spencer hands me a bottle of water before I slouch down against a wall, my legs resting against the pavement in front of me. Spencer takes a seat next to me and hands me a hair tie, which I reluctantly take to tie my hair back.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now