{32} Set Fire To The Rain

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t h i r t y t w o
A v e r l y n
l i a r s

They drag me inside by my hair, throwing me on the ground in front of a woman tied to a chair with duct tape. She squirms and tries to scream, but her sounds are muffled by the tape across her mouth. "I did what you said. I came here, now let her go." I say boldly, climbing back up from my position in the floor. I won't let these two bastards get the better of me, I will not let them have the upper hand. Not again, not ever.

"Did you get the money, Princess?" Joshua asks and I pause. I shake my head, earning a sickly grin from Joshua when he takes a step closer towards me, "what about the tickets far away from this place?" I shake my head again, no.

"Am I not enough for your fucking plan?" I spit in his face, and I'm not as shocked as I usually would be when the palm of his hand comes down against my face. It still shocks my body enough to fall to the ground at his feet again. Exactly where he wants me to be. I cough as the girl starts her muffled screaming again, silently begging for her to shut up. "You're a fucking dick, Joshua. Fuck you. If you kill her, I will make sure you never get out of this alive. I will kill you with my own bare hands if I have to." I look between Thomas and Joshua before they both burst into fresh fits of laughter.

"Sweetheart," Joshua smiles, "you wouldn't hurt a fly unless you were forced to." I sit up on the floor and scowl as Joshua turns his back, taking a seat in the far corner of the cabin. Now they have me, they won't make anything explode. They won't believe the FBI is coming. Did Spencer realise? I start to quietly panic—what if he didn't even see my note? "Aren't you going to help her baby?"

I scramble towards the girl and peel off the tape around her mouth. Thomas walks right past me into a kitchen. "Hey, look it's going to be okay. I won't let them kill you. What's your name?"

"Leanne." Her voice is shaky, tears running down her face every time she blinks. "I look like you." She whines and sobs quietly, her eyes moving across my features. She does look like me, but scars cover her face. It's clear her hair has been dyed, and it breaks my heart to see an innocent woman changed for the likes of these bastards.

"You look so pretty!" She shakes as she cries, ducking her head as compliments tumble out of her mouth. Floorboards creak behind me as Joshua pulls my head back and wraps a hand around my throat. He squeezes his fingertips into my skin, carelessly cutting off my oxygen.

"Isn't she just? You can see why we wanted her back now, can't you Leanne?" Leanne can't tear her eyes away from me, but she's begging them not to hurt me. They won't kill me. They wouldn't have spent so much time trying to get me back just to kill me. What I do know is that if they are going to die, they'll take me down with them. I gasp for air, digging my nails into his wrist as he chokes me. "What I don't understand is why she doesn't like this." He adds more pressure as I scratch at his wrist and hand, drawing blood as I do so.

"I mean, she let her boyfriend do it. Why is that?" Because I love him and I wanted him to. "She's a slut, Leanne. This is what a slut looks like." He pushes me away, gasping for air as I cough and splutter on the floor. Joshua glances at the blood on his wrist and smirks. He leaves Leanne and I alone when he follows Thomas into the kitchen. I climb back up and kneel in front of Leanne as she begs me to untie her.

"If I untie you—they will kill you. Just hang in there, I know help is coming." I'm steady, but I don't know if help is coming. They could easily skip right past my clues. Spencer could easily give up with protecting me. I've made his life hell. "Please just stay quiet so that they won't kill you. Let me do the talking, I know them." She nods eagerly, patiently waiting for Joshua and Thomas to return.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now