{14 & TW} Leave a light on

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f o u r t e e n
A v e r l y n
c o m f o r t

I end up at my hotel room at 12AM. It's beyond dark at this point, the streetlights outside are what softly light up the room. I sit in the darkness for a while, inhaling and exhaling. Inhale, exhale. I'd gone out with JJ to buy the team Chinese takeout, by the time I got back, Spencer had left to go somewhere. Spencer has practically ignored me all day, and I realise now what a mistake I made. Leaving his apartment this morning. It would have been so much nicer if I had stayed. Maybe we could've ate breakfast together, stayed wrapped up in the sheets until Hotch and Derek are calling our phones wondering where we are. We wouldn't be ignoring each other because of how stupid I was to bolt. I didn't regret sleeping with Spencer, and by how hurt Spencer sounded, he didn't regret sleeping with me. So why was there ever a nagging voice in my head telling me how badly I should leave.

Although, it's not the only evidence I have. I couldn't lie and say that I didn't see Spencer stealing glances at me at work, because he was. And it was amazing to know he doesn't fully hate me, because if he hated me, he wouldn't be wasting his time staring me down. There were also a few awkward moments when we were left alone together to go through files and evidence, or when we'd accidentally make eye contact across the room and my cheeks would go horrendously red and Penelope would comment on it. I miss sleeping in Spencer's bed.

I slump down onto my bed as my phone rings. This time, I don't check who it is. I let it go to voicemail, and close my eyes. A few minutes later, and sleep doesn't take hold of me. I take this chance to sit up and check my phone. The brightness temporarily blinds me, bright white dots blur my vision which takes a few moments to get back. Once I do I focus my vision on the notification of the one voicemail sent to me. From Spencer. I hurry to unlock my phone, my fingers dancing across the keypad as I do so. When I finally manage to get onto missed calls and received voicemails, I click on Spencer's recording, ready to listen carefully. Maybe he wants to talk, finally. Maybe he'll give me a chance to explain myself.

I've finally found out the reason I left this morning. I was scared. I've never slept with a guy willingly, so the feeling was so foreign to me, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how it would play out when we woke up next to each other and so I ran away from the situation, like I always do.

"Averlyn? Aver...Averlyn..." There's heavy breathing at the end of the phone, hard and loud. "I-God I...can't...help me, please I'm sorry...I...went back...tried to, help." The voicemail beeps and goes dead silent beside my ear. My heart starts beating rapidly. Is Spencer in trouble? I quickly find his contact number and press call, hearing it ring multiple times before a familiar, perky voice fills my ears.

"Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid and you've reached voicemail. Please leave a detailed message after the beep."

I don't even have time to call Penelope to track his phone before I drop my own and run out the door. He must be at his apartment, he must be. I get a cab, and tell the driver Spencer's address quickly, not even bothering for my seatbelt as five minutes later I'm hopping out of the cab and stuffing all the money I have in the drivers hand. I run up the stairs to Spencer's apartment and bang on the door. Number 23. "Spencer? Spencer! Open the door!" I bang again, waiting a few seconds for a reply. There isn't one, so I try the door handle. The door opens easily, which is confusing because the last time I was here, it took him forever to unlock everything. The first thing I see is Spencer's gun on the cabinet next to me as I walk inside the door. Spencer always puts his gun away, every other time I've been here I haven't seen it in sight. His credentials are resting next to it. I slide his gun off the cabinet, it's loaded and ready to fire. Is there somebody in here?

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now