{37} Someone To Stay

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t h i r t y   s e v e n   .   o n e
S p e n c e r
h o m e l y

'Welcome home' has never felt more heartwarming being said than right now. Avery hauls her luggage into my apartment—her single suitcase being dragged along behind her. She shuts the door and stands still, staring at me, out of breath. "What?" I say, blank amusement across my face.

"I came out of hospital two weeks ago—what happened to letting me rest?" She pants, and I smile, walking back towards her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pepper kisses to and around her nose. My forgiving way of saying sorry. "Whatever." She grins, getting on her tiptoes to kiss me back. A long, passionate kiss. I know what she wants, it's been seven weeks, and I know what excuse she's going to use on me.

"I let you get what you want when you came out of hospital..." She teases and pleads, pouting while she stays unbalanced on her tiptoes.

"Yeah but I wasn't shot." I defend, retracting my arms from around her waist. I grab her suitcase and wheel it into my bedroom, leaning it against the bed. Avery follows me, still pouting hoping she'll get what she wants.

"You were stabbed!" She offers with a smile. "You were seriously injured. And Mr. Eidetic, I did sleep with you when you were shot...like three weeks afterwards." Avery places a hand on my forearm, stopping me from unzipping her suitcase.

"I wasn't in a coma, though." I say. Avery scoffs, sitting down on the mattress with a disapproved sound.

"You're boring." She rolls her eyes at me as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"We're going to be late for our picnic, so are you going to get changed while I prep the food?" I ask impatiently. Avery shakes her head, no. I groan and stand in front of her, tipping her chin up to face me. "Yes, you are. Unless you want me to change you." I joke, but Avery happily stands up at the idea. "No. Get changed, now." I leave my bedroom after hauling her suitcase onto my bed for her to browse in and find something to wear. For our first date. I walk out into the kitchen and find the basket Avery forced me to buy for this special occasion. I place it in the table as I start packing our food.

The sun is setting soon, and I know how much Avery has wanted to watch the sunset with me, it warms my heart to know that. So, I decided to make our first date a picnic, that's nice and relaxed, and we can watch the sun go down together, drinking cheap champagne. I'm packing away the four small muffins Avery took a liking to when Avery walks out of my bedroom, in nothing but her bathrobe. "What are we eating?" She asks, boredom evident in her tone. Her fingertips skim across the basket as she looks at me, waiting for a reply she doesn't really want. Is this her way to seduce me?

"Macaroni cheese." I state, smiling warmly at her. She moves to stand next to me, peering into the picnic basket, "I got a picnic blanket to sit on, too. I don't wanna get mud on my ass." Avery laughs, closing the basket when she hops up onto the table. She sits in front of me, her legs brushing against mine purposely.

"Yum, can we eat it now? I'm hungry." She whines, flipping open the basket again. I stop her and shut it, placing the basket onto a different counter. "What the hell."

"No, the whole point of this picnic is it's a date. If you don't want to go, then just say." I sigh, turning back around to continue packaging our food.

"Someone's stroppy, are you sure you want to go grumpy?" I turn back around and rest my hands either side of her body. She smiles and sits up straighter, her hands one on top of the other on her lap. "Change of your mind? I'll lead the way." Avery jumps off the table and turns to lead us back to my bedroom. I grab her arm, spinning her back around. So fast that the fabric belt tied loosely around her waist unravels, revealing her naked body to me. I smirk as I push her against the table, and her cheeks flush red as I pull her as close to my body as possible.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now