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t w e n t y   f o u r
S p e n c e r
j & t

Karla Hammers' body was found two days after she was reported missing. Nobody else has been reported missing since, and there were no hesitation marks on her body, so it's bold to assume Joshua and Thomas killed her themselves, enjoying the thrill. Other than that, it's been 11 days and they haven't done anything. There's been no sign of them since they dumped the body, they've completely gone off the grid.

Avery and I have spent more time together than anything over the past week; gathering all the information we could against Thomas and Joshua, telling each other we love each other, fucking each other. If we weren't at the BAU, we were in the safe house, dressed in sweats, all over each other. We've created so many delightful memories together. Like Avery palming my dick through my sweats, desperately trying to creep closer to me. My legs are dangling over the side of the bed, Avery stood in between my legs as my hands attempt to move over every inch of her tiny body. She smiles when I finally manage to unbutton her blouse, small excited squeals escape her lips. When her blouse is off, I pull her back to me and let her climb on top her me, her knees both sides, digging into the mattress underneath us.

Or me desperately trying to teach Avery how to bake simple brownies, which she either burnt or undercooked to the point they were still the raw mix.

These two memories keep coming back to me for some reason, and the only reason I can complain is how hard I get just thinking about them, no imagination needed, they're just there.

We've come a long way over the past month we've known each other, and despite the circumstances, it's been the best month of my entire life. And with Joshua and Thomas off the grid, we can relax. We've stopped running towards them, and have taken a step back to sit on the bench for a break, as have they. It's just who gets their breath back first now, us or them.

I pick Avery up and she instantly wraps her legs around my waist. We're waiting on a call from Derek to tell us something, but good or bad, we don't know. I drop her on the island counter and quickly peck her lips as my phone starts to ring. I answer it and put it on loud speaker. "Okay, here's the news. Joshua and Thomas are off the grid. We can't find them anywhere. We had local PD in North Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland report to us if they've had any cases like ours, but there's been nothing so as far as we know, Joshua and Thomas managed to get away. People like them wouldn't hang low, so...here's the bad news: our director wants us to put down the case until proven otherwise that Joshua and Thomas are still killing. They don't think the team is being threatened." Derek sighs. Avery pouts, but doesn't argue with the matter nearly as much as I thought she would. She knows she hasn't got a say in it, she knew it was coming.

"What if I talk to your director? The note was clearly a threat!" She whines, more to me than Derek. I run small circles over her thighs, the phone resting on her lap.

"Avery, as much as I'd love for you to do that, they won't care. I want to find them as much as you guys do, trust me. We've just got to hold off. Maybe Joshua and Thomas have gotten bored, they've gone cold, we know that. Maybe someone's killed them, we can't prove that as much as we can't prove that they're still killing." Derek replies to Avery's small outburst. Another thing that has changed is that the team now know about Avery and I being a thing, and none of them were as nearly surprised as I thought they would be. I guess that eased things along a bit more.

"Is that all? No good news? Wheres Garcia?" I ask, resting my chin on Avery's shoulder as I talks.

"No good news. We have a case, though. Director wants us to start back to normal ASAP. So get here now." Derek says, ready to hang up when he adds, "Avery too. Hotch wants to talk to you." Then he hangs up and my heart starts to beat faster. Hotch wants to talk to Avery. Avery looks gleeful, though and I am trying to hide my excitement.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora