{17} Heart like yours

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s e v e n t e e n   .   o n e
A v e r l y n
c h a s e

"Emily!" Spencer exclaims, pushing me away gently. I step back, gathering space between us. My cheeks flush red as she gawks at us, blinking silently with her mouth agape. None of us really know how to react.

"She's the girl that's made you really happy this morning?" I can feel my face getting hotter as Emily speaks. Spencer was really happy? Sure I knew he woke up in a good mood but I just thought it was because it was sunnier this morning. Emily does seem surprised at this, though. He seems happy, or excited. "Spencer?" Emily edges, but Spencer doesn't know how to speak either.

"Emily you can't tell anyone what you just saw. You know we'd get into trouble." There's an edge in his voice that I don't comment on, but my heart is beating rapidly fast.

"I won't, I won't. Is this like...serious or something? You guys are dating or what?"

Spencer shakes his head and acutely glances in my direction. No we aren't dating but we fucked twice, and hopefully more. "Alright, I won't tell anyone. Whatever you guys are doing, it's safe with me. Only because Hotch will be pissed and Derek and Garcia would want to know why you didn't tell them."

"Thank you." Spencer sighs as his phone rings. He answers it and puts it on speaker, "it's Hotch."

"Wherever you are, go straight to the SUV's. We just got a call from a woman saying she's escaped and another call from an elder woman saying she just saw someone who perfectly fits Morlace's description getting into a black Land Rover."

"Morlace has that car. I remember it when I was first kidnapped." I speak up, my eyes wide.

"Let's go." Emily says, dragging us along to the SUV.


I don't know how we managed it, but we're now in a car chase. Morlace knows we're onto him, and like I said to the team, he won't go down without a fight. Which is why we're speeding towards the highway in hopes of getting him before we lose him in between cars. Emily is driving and I'm in the passenger seat, Spencer is behind us wondering if there's any safe place Morlace would go to on a large map displayed in front of him. Derek, Hotch and JJ are speeding through back alleys in hopes of cornering him off before he reaches the highway. Rossi is back at Quantico getting information from the girl who managed to escape. Emily speeds towards the black car that shows no sign of stopping.

My phone rings in my hand and I quickly take it out with my free hand that isn't clinging onto the door for dear life as Emily swerves in and out of cars. I expect Hotch but it isn't, it's an unknown number. I show Spencer and he nods, getting Hotch on the phone as I answer it and put it on speaker. "Averlyn." The voice says in a sing song tone. Everything goes quiet around me, the cars, the engine, the squealing brakes. "I know you're there." It's Morlace, calling from his car but he's still able to drive.

"What do you want? Just pull over we only want to talk." We both know that's a lie. Emily quickly swerves an incoming car, the wheels squealing underneath us. Spencer holds on for dear life behind us. "You're going to get us all killed, Morlace." And then there's the moment. The moment we all speed onto the highway, the moment just before Morlace says just a few words in late Russian.

"What did he say?" Emily yells, swerving in and out trying to catch up to Morlace. "Avery, what did he say!"

"I don't...I don't know!" I catch Spencer's eye in the rear view mirror and my brows crease slightly. He knows. He knows what Morlace said. In front of us there's a loud crash, the sound of wheels squealing bad we immediately brake, sat in horror at the sight in front of us.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now