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e i g h t e e n
S p e n c e r
r u n

"You're not so innocent either, you slut. How much do they really know?" I repeat, my heart beating as I speak the filthy words spoken by Joshua. Everyone is silent, Avery can't even look at me.

"That's some taunt." Derek mutters but he's thinking the same thing everyone else must be thinking.

"Yeah, and nobody deserves the term slut. Especially you." Penelope slings an arm around Avery's shoulders, Avery gives her a weak smile. Garcia gives her a big smile back as she comforts her. Avery doesn't need comforting, she knows what she's doing wrong and she feels guilty for the comfort she's getting from Penelope. I can see it laced on her face. The words Joshua said starts to get me thinking things I wish I didn't think. Did she willingly do it?

"I want to talk to him, and see if I can get anything out of him. I speak Russian, so I can easily translate anything he says." I say to the team. This statement causes Avery to look up, worried. Joshua will talk to me because he knows exactly who I am. I've worked it all out now. They've killed based on Avery's social life, when they started killing girls with significant others in their lives, they've based the man on me. They thought Avery and I were dating. It wouldn't have been such a bad thing if we were, only if she wasn't lying to my face.

"We'll be right outside." Hotch and JJ follow me back to the interrogation room, and I'm surprised Avery doesn't come too. I go in alone. I've never interrogated someone before, it isn't my strong point, but I'm willing to try.

"I'm Doctor Reid-."

"Spencer, what a pleasure to finally meet you. How've you been?" Joshua gives me a sickly smile, I don't know whether to sit down or stay standing. I pull out the seat opposite him and take my seat.

"Don't play games with me, Joshua." I say, leaning forward against the table once I throw him a file including all the victims he's ever tortured, minus the crime scene photos. "Do you recognise any of these women?" I ask, my mind coming up with hundreds of possibilities he could answer with.

"Averlyn..." Joshua mutters, his pointer finger tracing the outline of one girls face. I can't see who's it is, but I know it isn't Avery. I took her report out beforehand. "She's beautiful isn't she?
Avery." He smirks, looking me up and down, "you should know, I'm not just talking about her pretty face."

"Like I said, I'm not playing games. Do you recognise them?" He does, which is why he's stalling.

"You know what I'm talking about, don't you though? How many times have you screwed her now? Like three? No I think it's a little less than that, but you're hoping." I don't move, or express any kind of emotion, I've seen this enough times to not give him the satisfaction he wants. When he sees this, he scoffs and hands me the file back. "Why would I recognise any of these women, Doctor Reid?" He says innocently.

"Because you and your partner killed them." I seethe, pushing the file back his way to take another look.

Joshua takes another look and nods, satisfied, "you're right, I do know these women...but I didn't kill them." He takes the file apart and hands me back four reports. Aubrey Bailey, Carla Adams, Ellie Hicks and Bonnie Glynn. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't kill the rest. That you won't get out of me. Now, what is it you want?" 

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now