{33} Hands

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t h i r t y t h r e e
S p e n c e r
h a n d s

Avery stumbles into my arms, her arms wrapping around my neck as she whimpers in pain. Her arms around my neck don't stay there for long as she falls from my hold onto the floor. "No, no, no, Avery," I lean down, pressing my hand against her wound that's staining her white shirt red.

"No, Spencer. Hold me." She says weakly, begging for me to wrap my arms around her. I hesitate before I position her in front of me, her back against my chest. I press the palm of my hand against the side of her stomach, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

"Where are the medics?" I ask, panicked. JJ kneels down, grimacing at all the blood. I can't look, I can't see her bleeding out in front of me. I can't see her lose her life in my arms.

"We're calling an ambulance now. Just keep her awake." JJ tells me. Avery nods her head up, one hand tracing over my jaw. Her other hand covers mine that's trying to stop the bleeding.

"Spence...I love you." She gives me a weak smile, her head resting by my heartbeat. "I love falling asleep like this." She whispers, her hand tracing limp patterns against my jaw.

"Avery you have to stay awake. An ambulance is going to come here soon. You need to stay awake for me baby." I press my forehead against hers as she attempts to kiss me. I'm not wasting her breath right now. From how much blood there is, I know the bullet hit somewhere vital. She rolls her head against my shoulder, whimpering as I add pressure. "I'm so sorry." Tears brim in my eyes, which Avery tries her best to wipe away.

"Don't cry baby." She whispers, her eyes fluttering shut and back open again. I choke back on a sob, swiping her wet hair away from her face. Her blue eyes are slowly dilating. "Don't cry..." she manages to scramble up enough to press a kiss to my jaw, hiding her pain with a smile.

"I love you." She states, raising her eyebrows at me. "Oh my God." She lets out a nervous laugh.

"I'm in love with you!" She gives the world jazz hands, pronouncing her words as loud as she can. When she laughs again , they quickly subside as the pain coursing through her body returns. "I am so desperately in love with you, 187."

"I'm in love with you, too." I whisper, pressing a tear filled kiss to her forehead. She grins, leaning against me as her blood seeps through my fingers. She hesitantly places her hand back on top of mine. "JJ when are they getting here?" I ask impatiently, keeping Avery tight against my body.

"Spencer there's a storm, okay just keep her awake." I try my best to do so, but for once, I'm entirely lost for words.

"Avery? Please just stay awake until the medics get here. I need you to stay awake." She bleeds out in front of me, her pulse slowly stopping. She keeps one hand faintly drawing patterns against my jaw, the other digging her nails into my hand as she groans in agony.

"It hurts Spencer." She cries, "am I gonna die?" Her voice is raspy, and she often stops for breath. Sirens of the ambulances are heard up ahead, giving me hope that they can get here in time.

"No, baby you're not gonna die. They're coming, you just need to stay awake for me." I rest my face in her hair, tears falling down my face.

"You need to let me go, Spencer. I'm okay." She nestles her face against my chest, closing her eyes with a sigh. Her hands are cold and her breathing shaky. Her words and quiet whines are hesitant, as she wills her body to stay awake. If she doesn't, she's going to shut down. JJ waves to the ambulance that comes to a halt, paramedics jumping out of the vehicle with bags and equipment.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now