{12} Do I wanna know?

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t w e l v e
S p e n c e r
n a k e d

Alex Blake left the day I came home from the hospital, leaving her badge in my bag to signal she was resigning to work full time as a professor. I was quiet that night, numbing. I knew she had to go soon, it was hard to juggle two jobs around like that, and I'm glad I got the heads up. It's been a week and a half since I was admitted into hospital, it's been six days since I got out of there.

I've been tossing my phone in my hands for ages, contemplating whether to text or call Avery. Or do neither - that's always an option too. Her contact number is already displayed on the screen, I just have to grow the guts to press call, but I don't. I don't just randomly call girls, it's not like me at all but did some reason I feel the urge to call Avery. I need to feed that urge or starve it right now, so I hurry to make up my mind. No, I'm not doing it. I toss my phone down on the couch, walking up to grab a glass of water when a dainty voice is heard coming from my phone on loud speaker. "Hello? Doctor are you there?" Crap. I pick the phone back up, take a deep breath, and start talking.

"Hey, sorry I think I called the wrong person. I didn't mean to call you, apologies." I'm about to hang up when there's a knock at the door and Avery starts speaking again.

"I'm right outside, let me in 187." Why did I ever tell her what my IQ is? I let her in, watching carefully as she carelessly walks into my apartment without an agent beside her. "What? Hello to you too, Spencie."

"Where are all these nicknames coming from?" I ask, slamming my door shut to sit next to Avery on the couch she's easily got herself comfortable on. She's wrapped herself in her knitted jacket from her grandmother and has her hair in a loose ponytail.

"My great big imagination, Doctor. Jealous?" Avery pouts, ruffling my hair, "that sucks." She tugs her hair out of her ponytail and fluffs it out, giving me a brief smile when she rests her arms beside her.

"What happened to being nice to people who just got out of hospital?" I chuckle, running a hand through my hair to get it back to normal.

"Spencer, you got out of hospital 6 days, 4 hours and most likely 40 something minutes ago and I only know that because you won't stop going on and on about it." She giggles, the angelic sound filling my ears. She sounds happy. Which is more than she was two weeks ago when we first saw her. What's got her so excited? She notices me staring and raises her eyebrows, "what? Is there something on my face?" She and I both find amusement in this situation as I point around her face as she blindly attempts to wipe away anything that could be on her face that isn't really there.

"What's got you so happy today?" I question, our fingers locking together for a split second before I pull away. She keeps her hands on her knees as if she's waiting for me to take hold of one again. Should I?

"Nothing." She says quickly, noticing how badly she's lying to a profiler. "Alright, I'm no profiler-."

"You are. Avery you're a part of this team - and you're a great profiler." I do take her hand and Avery gives me a warm smile as I start playing with her fingers, one of her hands now resting on my thigh as I effortlessly move around her fingers.

"Anyway... I know that you might have accidentally called me, but I don't really think it was an accident, you were thinking of calling me and had my contact up, didn't you?" She scrutinises me, squinting her eyes before we burst into fresh sets of laughter. She knows she's called me out, she doesn't need a definite answer. I nod in defeat and she laughs delightfully, having to bite her lip to stop herself going overboard and getting drunk from laughing. Her true laugh is contagious though, and she doesn't stop me laughing along with her.

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now