Chapter 16

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(Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! So, the winner this time for the most wholesome comment was Mattie_Jaybird
I'm so happy you like the book! Tysm)

Australia's POV:

I started at my phone happily, my fingers tapping the keypad and typing
'I'm good, thank you ^^ You?' I smiled and hit send. I looked around alittle and grabbed a fork and playing with it alittle as I waited.
This is boring. I sat up right and stretched.
"Lunch was great guys but I think I should head back now." I sat up.

New Zealand whined.
"Nooooo. Stayyyy alittle longerrrr. Pleaseee? Don't leave me with Maple leaf and Gunman. America looked up and laughed.

"Mr Gunman to you NZ." He adjusted his sunglasses.

"No it isn't. Aus please. Spider mannnnn" NZ begged.
I sighed.

"I have stuff I need to do. You know I'm not here to fuck spiders. What about I'll see you tomorrow for a drink, okay?" I offered.
NZ sighed and crossed his arms.

"Fine." He huffed.

"See you tomorrow Kiwi. Bye ya cunts!" I waved at them and grabbed my stuff, walking out. I walked home quietly, humming to myself as I looked at my phone. I grabbed my house keys and walked in, shutting the door after.
I sighed and smiled alittle to myself.

North Korea's POV:
I looked down and grabbed my phone, hiding under the blanket as I texted back.
'That's good. I'm fine, thank you.'
I Don't think I've ever been so happy to talk to another country such as Australia.
I couldn't get him out of my held. It's like a really annoying song playing quietly in the back of your head all the time.
I sighed and sat up, looking at South who was just gagging at the rubbish on my floor. I groaned.
"K-pop man." I said. He looked up.

"Yes mr nuke." He smiled.
I cringed and sighed.

"Yeah, okay...How do you ask someone out for dinner-?" I muttered. He looked at me.

"What did you say?" He smiled.

"How do you ask someone out to dinner..." I muttered again.

"I can't hear you." He smiled.
I groaned.

"How do you ask someone out for dinner?!" I shouted. South looked at me, grinning.

"Ooo. So you are in love with him?" He smiled. I looked up, red.

"NO! I just...Dammit..uhh.."
I looked away. Fucking Dammit. I really did fall for this man. This isn't right. I don't like it.
Hate it...
Although, I wouldn't mind being in his arms again- hAgK- *Mentally throws up* Disgusting.

South just smiled at me.
"Well, you go in smooth like "sup, wanna go out?" South giggled.
"No. Don't do that. Just be yourself. Just ask 'Do you want to go out for dinner?' Then throw your phone out the window, change your name and move to the other side of the world-"
South said.
I sighed.

"I'll just ask him. But I'm not doing the other stuff." I said, thinking on how to put this.
South smiled.

"Good, because it was a joke." South sighed, walking out with a bag of rubbish.

(I DID IT. IT TOOK FOREVER BUT I DID IT. I'm sorry  for the long wait qwq)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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