Chapter 11

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(SO! Note: I get a lot of hilarious comments on every chapter. So now, to make it more fun, I'll be choosing the best comments and just like a shout out or something.
Today was @DangerousThing1
Just..Please Noddles..Don't eat your eggs. Aus wants baby snakkiess! )

North Korea's POV:

I looked down and sighed, washing up the plate and small bowls I used. A few other things like cups and other things I and South used throughout the day. Why was South so messy and making me clean up? I sighed and finished up while South dried the dishes.

"Done. Now, can I go?" I asked, crossing my arm. South looked up at me and sighed, nodding. I nodded and walked back up the stairs, walking to my room and sitting down on my bed, kicking the door shut. That was annoying. That's fine. Whatever.

Australia's POV:

I looked at the wall and sighed. It..Looked okay?..No. It looks horrible. I can't do anything right! I sighed and grabbed a big paint brush, painting over the dot painting in white. Why can't I just do one thing right? I'll try again later. I sat down about half an hour after painting over the wall with white. I grabbed a book off the shelf behind me and sighed, looking down. Dreamtime stories. I smiled a little and skipped through the book, getting to a current story. The rainbow serpent. It was one of my favorite stories. I got up and picked up Noddles, placing her over my shoulders. I sat back down and smiled, picking up the book again and reading it out loud to myself and Noddles.

"At the beginning of the Dreamtime, the earth was flat and dry and empty. There were no trees, no rivers, no animals and no grass. It was a dry and flat land..." I read out happily, Noddles resting on my shoulders. It was getting late but who cares. It's a great story.

"One day, Goorialla, the rainbow serpent woke from his sleep and set off to find his tribe. He crossed Australia from east to west and north to south, stopping to listen for his people. He crossed every part of the dry, flat Australia but found nothing. After searching for a long time, he grew tired and lay down to sleep..." I smiled and read out happily. This always cared me down.

A few hours of me reading eventually made me sleepy. I put the book down, finishing the stories with the last dreamtime story in the book I had, the Chicken Halk. I lied down and yawned, resting my head on the arm rest of the couch and pulling a thin light green and gold blanket over myself. I yawned again as the sound of nothingness filled  the house. quiet and dark. Not a sound. I looked around one last time before closing my eyes and eventually falling asleep. 

-Time-skip cause I'm a lazy piece of trash-

I yawned and looked around the quiet house. I sighed and sat up, Noddles hissing at me for moving while she was sleeping. I apologized and picked her up, putting her in her heating tank, turning the heater on for her. I yawned and walked to the kitchen, turning on the kettle and grabbing a cup. I grabbed the coffee, sugar and tea spoon. I put one spoon of coffee and two spoons of sugar in the cup, pouring some milk in as well. The kettle made a faint screaming sound as I leaned against the counter. Everything seemed much more louder when your alone. I looked around again and sighed. My shift didn't start til 11 am. I rubbed my tired eyes and yawned, pouring the hot water into the cup and giving it a stir. I put the spoon in the sink and took the cup, sitting down on the couch. I turned on the TV and layed back. I switched it to Sunrise and smiled, listening to the news. Weather for today is apparently a cloudy day with a chance of rain. That's nice. I drank my coffee happily, wrapping a blanket around myself.

North Korea's POV:

I looked up at the ceiling and yawned a little, tired. I've been awake since 4 in the morning. I got up and looked at my phone. Does  Australia have any other platforms? Like that..Uh..Facebook? or..Hmm..Instagram? I..I don't know much more then that. South loves that..Instagram app. He's always on it. Maybe Australia has it. I grabbed my phone and login into Instagram. Yeah. I have Instagram. I don't post anything though. I searched up Australia and it came up with Commonwealth of Australia. Is that it? I pressed on the profile and smiled. Pictures of him and his family and friends. The capitalist pig or America, New Zealand and Canada. Some with Indonesia and Russia. He has a lot of friends. A verification check next to his name. I smiled and looked through his pictures. I smiled and sighed. How did he have so many friends? His just..So perfect, nice and kind. No wonder..I gave him a follow and put my phone down. I got up and walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. South looked up at me and smiled.

"You seem happy." South smiled and giggled, all dressed up to go out. I looked at him and sighed with a annoyed giggle through clinched teeth.

"I was until I saw you." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some left over Korean Wontons.  South held his chest and groaned, pretending to be hurt.

"Ouch, Your so original." South laughed and got up. South grabbed his phone and got his bag. "I'm going out." South smiled. I looked up, face stuffed with Korean Wontons. I quickly swallowed and looked at South.

"Where are you going?" I asked, washing my hands. He looked up and smiled.

"Out with friends...You know what 'friends' are, right?" South looked at me and giggled and opened the door. I huffed.

"Of course I know what they are! I have friends!" I shouted and sat on the couch, sighing. South laughed and shut the door, leaving the house. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Quiet and alone with only the light from the sun through the windows.

(HAHA! Another chapter done. Any ideas for the next part?)  

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