Chapter 13

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(Hi, Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life is hard ;-;

From the last chapter, the winner is @TiredHolyWater )

North Korea's POV:

I finished the white rice and smiled, loving the taste. Sweet and sticky with South's home made sauce. I like it better with the honey, sticky, soy chicken with the sweet white rice. I walked back down the stiars and put the bowl in the sink, filling it up with water. I walked back to my room and sighed, staring out the window. Never really realised how lonely I was until I met Australia. Australia, Aussie, Aus, 강아지...His 강아지...Dammit. I sighed and looked down, grabbing my phone again and checking Australia's instagram. Nothing new but still has photos of Australia. I liked afew photos and sighed. He was quiet active and known around the world. I never really notice him in the Korean war. Just America's puppet I called them. He didn't have to get involed but he did when America did. Hmm.. I sighed. But he seems so kind and caring. I put my phone down and smiled alittle, staring at the ceiling as the fan spun around.

Australia's POV:

I sighed and got dressed up in a safari suit and a hat, happily putting on the shoes and tying them up.  I smiled and yawned alittle bit, getting some water and drinking it. It'll be okay. I know it'll be okay. I smiled and walked through my light blue house, lit up by the sunlight through the kitchen window. I sighed and looked up at the clock. Almost time. I sat down on my porch and waited for a sound of a car pulling up or a loud 'beep' sound of the horn. I sighed and waited patiently and watching the light breeze pushing over the grass and watching the grass bounce back up again. So quiet..So peaceful...


I jolted up at the loud sound of a cars horn. I walked into the house, locking the back door and walked out the front, looking at the charcoal grey ford ranger pulled up on the drive way.  I smiled and locked the front door. I walked to the car and hopped, immediately was greeted by Ame and a tight hug. I smiled and hugged him back tightly.

"Ready to go?" Ame smiled, putting both hands on the steering wheel.  I nodded with a big smile.

"Yep! Let's go." I smiled and pulled the seat belt over myself, clipping myself in. Ame smiled and nodded, going into drive and drove off. I smiled and sighed, staring out the window as I put my hand on my lap. Ame smiled, turning on the radio. Luke Combs hurricane came on. Ame sang with it as I just watched the Trees we past. I smiled at the song and hummed with it. Ame drove happily to a cafe, just off the beach. A large glass dome covering the outside area with pot plants and tables, the waves crashing against the rocks below the dome. Ame parked and hopped out, I followed and walked in to see Nada and NZ. I smile wided as I ran up to them and hugged them.

"Aussie! I missed you. So nice to see you!" NZ smiled, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too Zealand!" I smiled, hugging him back tightly. Nada smiled and hugged them too, Ame just sat down and smiled. They got the table closest to the dome. Ame looked down at the waves as they crashed against the rocks. He smiled. Very calming. I finally escape from my brothers grasp and sat down with Ame. Nada and NZ sat down too, looking at the menu.

I dicided to get a bottle of sprite and a mince pie with a coleslaw salad. I think Ame got a burger and Canada got a salad wrap. NZ? I have no idea. NZ just got a small coke and some slices of meat lovers pizza.

We waited for our food. I sighed and talked to my brothers. NZ and Ame's food arrived first. NZ didn't eat and waited for ours. Ame on the other hand took a slice of pizza and ate happily. My food arrived next and then Nada's. We started to eat and talk happily. Not about anything specific, just random topics.

North Korea's POV:

I looked up at the sound of the door opening with loud laughter. Did I fall asleep again? I sighed and sat up, walking to my door and listened to the sound of South talking to someone. Probably on the phone. I shook my head and sat o my bed. I looked at my phone again, debating wither to text Aus or eve call. See if they could meet up again. That'd be nice. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. Aussie would never love me. Not me. A homophobic asshole that has threatened to bomb him and others multiple times. I sighed and looked out the window. Maybe there's a chance that he does like me..? I head was filled with doubt and I lied there, hugging my pillow tighter with every negative thought.

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