Chapter 2

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North Korea's POV:
I looked at the time and disided to go home. As I walked, I walked past the libaray. I walked in the libaray and looked at the shelves. I knew what I wanted and found the poetry shelf. I looked around and pulled out one.
'By Banjo Patterson.' I read to myself. I was debating whether I should read it or not since it was all English, it will take me awhile to translate it. I sat down in a comfortable spot, grabbed out my reading glasses and started to read.

Australia's POV:
I forgot to return my library books a few days back and disided to return them now. I walked in the libaray and placed my books on the counter. The lady nodded at me and I went and sat at one of the tables. I grabbed my sketchbook out and started to sketch what ever came to mind.

"Stop that cart!" A lady yelled. I got up and was bombarded by the cart. I was dragged across the library. I looked in frontof me and saw a man.

"Look out!" I shouted, but it was to late. I fell on top of the man. I growned in pain, rubbing my head as I got up. I looked down and gasped.

North Korea's POV:
I was walking to the counter then all of a sudden, I was hit onto the grownd. I opened my eyes to see the smaller male from the cafe on him. 'You again?!' He said to himself.

"I'm so sorry!" The boy apologised as he got up. He was red from embarrassmentas he ran away. I got myself up, ignoring everyone that said 'are you ok?'

Australia's POV:
I was so embarrassed and ran out of the libaray, forgetting my sketchbook. I ran home and slammed the door shut and locked it. I leaned up against the door and started to sink down. He sat on the floor and hugged his knees.
'Your so fucking stupid! Why didn't you help him up or something?!' The voices in my head got louder and louder as I started to cry.

North Korea's POV:
I grabbed my book and put my glasses in my pocket as I walked to the counter. I found a, what seem to be a sketchbook and grabbed it.
'Mine now.' I grinned as I put the book under my arm. I felt alittle more like himself as he smiled.
The lady scanned my book. Then she looked up and gasped.

"You were the young man that was hit by the cart! Are you alright?" She asked as she handed me my books and I walked out without a word.

(Sorry its short again😅 I hope you are enjoying my story. Thank you for reading)

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