Chapter 9

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Australia's POV:
I smiled and looked up at North as I waited for the waiter. This is really. 
He looked around and smiled, looking at the fish. What pretty fish-Oh wait...Sushi...Fish. Aww! Poor fishies! Oh well. I looked up at North and smiled at him. He blushed and looked away.
The waiter finally came to our table and smiledat us with a note book.

"Hello and welcome. What can I get you?" The waiter asked. I smiled and looked at the menu.

"I'll have the tuna sushi please." I smiled and looked up at North.

"I'll just have the salmon sushi with water." He said. The waiter nodded and walked away. I looked up and smiled as I looked around.

North Korea's POV:
I looked up at Aus and smiled alittle. He seemed so happy to be here...With me? I shook my head lightly and sighed, trying to act like me rude, not caring self. But I cared about Aus? This is all out of line!
I'm the one that hates all and wants to kill everyone! Aus is..Kind and caring and really cute- Stop it!! I'm not in love! It's just a crush. That's it!!
The waiter came back with our food and placed it on the table.
Aus thanked me in his adorable accent- OmgStopit!- I sighed and smiled up at Aus as he was about to pay. I quickly stopped him and paid for it myself. Aus looked up at me, confused.

"Oh, you didn't have to. Thank you." He smiled at me. I smiled at him. Wait...What the fuck?!- Why did I do that?! Fuck- But...I feel weird now. What was happening? Not in love. Not in love. Aus smiled and giggled as he picked up the chop sticks and started to eat. I smiled at him with a light blushed and did the same.

Afew minutes of talking and eating went by happily. I swear I've never smiled so much because of a person. Aus was funny, kind and had a pretty good opinion on things like politics. I smiled and just listened. Aus was adorable- No. Stop.

"Well, this was fun but I should be going." Aus smiled and sat up. I looked up and sighed. Aww, why? He nodded and smiled.
"Thank you for the food. This was alot of fun. Do you it again sometime?" He looked up at me, blushing. I blushed and smiled.

"No worries. Of course! I'd love that." I smiled. Aus giggled and smiled, nodding.

"Great! I had fun. I should go now. Bye North." Aus sighed and smiled. He waved and got up, pushing the chair back in. I smiled and nodded, doing the same.

"Bye 강아지." North smiled and blushed. Aus looked back at the name and smiled, blushing. He walked out and-I assume-home. That was nice. I smiled and grabbed my stuff, walking out after him.

I walked home and smiled as I opened the door. South looked up at me.
"Where were you?" He asked. I sighed and put on a straight face.

"None of your business." I growled and walked to my room, shutting the door.

(Hehe...I'm back.)

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