Charpter 5

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Australia's POV:
I sat in silence as I looked down. I was so nervous. Why was he here? Why isn't he yelling at me for today? Now is his chance. I heaved a shaky sigh as I tried to look up. I didn't want to be rude. I looked up and nervously smiled at the man.
"I-I'm Australia..." I said. The man looked at me and sighed.

"I'm North Korea." He said. Well, that made sense. Of course South had a brother, he's SOUTH Korea. I felt alittle stupid.

North Korea's POV:
I smiled gently. It was clear that the boy in front of me was way more nervous then me. He looked flat out terrified. I tried to be as gently as possible to show I wasn't going to hurt him or something like that. It went into an awkward silence as I sat there, facing Australia. I tried to started a conversation.
"So...You work at a cafe?" I said. Nothing to direct, but it should help to get somewhere.
The boy looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah. Nothing to fun but it helps pays my bills." Australia giggled nervously. I smiled and readjusted the way I was sitting.

Australia's POV:
I looked at him and took a deep breath. I noticed that I started to shake. I was that scared?...I tried to stop shaking but I couldn't. I became embarrassed and terrified as tears welled up in my eyes.
Nononononono! Why now?!

North Korea's POV:
I noticed he was on the verge of tears and started to freak out.
"O-oh! I'm sorry...Do you want me to leave?" I was alittle confused and remembered who I was. I sighed. This happened to everyone I met that new me. They were all scared of me. Why would Australia be any different?! But he didn't know me...Maybe he had heard of me? I don't know.

Australia's POV:
I felt so stupid for crying and covered my face up with my hands in embarrassment.
"N-No....It's Okay..Im sorry, I'm just so nervous." I said. I wanted him to stay. I didn't want to be alone at that moment. I can't trust myself in is state. I wiped away my tears and looked up at him. He looked upset. Did I make him upset? Oh no...I think I did. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

North Korea's POV:
I sat on the floor and sighed. He's nervous? I get it, I guess. The constant bumping into each other was pretty embarrassing. I looked at Australia, who seemed to be calmed down a bit as he got up and sat on the floor next to me.
"I'm sorry if I made you upset..." He said. I shook my head. Looked at him.

"Nonono. You didn't upset me. I made you upset, I'm the one that should be saying sorry." I explained then thought about it. What did I just say?! I don't apologise! But I did... I was so confused. What is going on?! Am I sick?! Why am I blushing?! I asked myself all different types of questions that I couldn't answer as I took a deep breath. Then I felt two arms wrap around me. I looked down to see Australia hugging me. I blushed madly and tried to stop. What was this feeling? It felt...Nice...

"I'm sorry...I just really needed a hug..." He muttered. I smiled slightly and gently put my arms around him. I liked this. This felt nice.

"괜찮아, 강아지 (Its okay, puppy)"
I blushed. There was no point in speaking Korean around Aus. He didn't understated, Right?

Australia's POV:
I blushed and pulled away.
"Did...Did you just call me puppy?" I asked. I understood the basics of Korean like hellos, good byes and animals. North turned red and covered his face.

"Shit! You weren't supposed to understand that!" He was flustered as I was alittle shocked. I giggled a bit and blushed. I told him it was okay and leaned on his shoulder. He looked at me and sighed.

North Korea's POV:
Well then...South lied to me. I smiled at Australia and patted his head. Holy shit, his hair is so soft! Australia seemed to like it and I hugged him. I was never a big fan of hugs but this, I liked. Cuddling? Is that what it's called? I don't know but what ever it is, I like it alot. It was warm and comforting. Australia had stopped shaking, is that good? I'm going to say that that's good. I sighed and looked at the time. Wow, time really does fly by. It was around 3:53? Maybe. I remembered about the sketchbook and grabbed it out of my pocket.
"Here!" I pushed it onto Australia, not realizing that I may have done it to sudden. I looked at Australia and gasped. Shit. I had acctently cut Australia.
"Ah! I'm so sorry!" I panicked. Australia looked at me like nothing happened as he giggled.

"Its okay." He said. I was so confused. He looked at what cut him and a huge smile crossed his face.
"My sketchbook! Thank you!" Australia hugged me tightly as he smiled. I smiled slightly and hugged back. I looked through my pockets to see if I had a bandaid or something for Australia's cut. I did and handed it to Australia. He thanked me and out it on. He sighed as he hugged his sketchbook.

(Yay! Another chapter! Fuck you writers block! Sorry this took so long.)

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