Chapter 6

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North Korea's POV:
I smiled at the smaller boy and sighed. I like hug...Who knew? I felt Australia lean on my shoulder as he flicked through his book. I blushed alittle and took a deep breath. Why the fuck do I keep blushing?! I don't even know him! I sighed as I wrapped my arms around Aus once again. Please hug me. That's all I wanted. That's all I was thinking. Hug me. Australia looked at me and smiled. He hugged back and thanked me again about the sketchbook. I kept a straight face but in the inside, I was sooo happy. Yes! Hugs! Or..."cuddles"....I don't know if their the same thing or not...Now I feel dumb. Oh well. 

Australia's POV:
I hugged North tightly as I smiled. My sketchbook! Yay! I heard the door open and I looked up. It was South. North quickly got up and slammed the door on South, making him fall back. I looked wide eyed as I stood up.
"What as that?" I asked as I throw my book on the couch. North looked at my, panting. Was he out of breath? Why?

"Look, we weren't hugging and the door slammed on South by it's self by the wind, okay?!" He said frantically. I tilted my head and nodded, confused.
"Good, now act like he was hit by the door." He added. Me, still being the confused potato I was, nodded again. He sat down again and I walked to the door, opening it. South was up with a red mark on his head. He looked furious.

"G'day Sou-" "North! Why did you slam the door on me?!" I was inturuped by South as he pushed the door open.

North Korea's POV:
I quickly stood up again and ran to South.
"Are you okay?" I asked. Can I even acted? Well, here we go. South looked confused all of a sudden. Australia ran over and tried to play along.
"Here, sit down." I sat him down and told Aus to grab a ice pack. He nodded and walked to the kitchen. South looked at me with confusion written on his face.

"What?...You and Aus were cuddling!" South said with a laugh. Australia tried to keep the acted up as he handed me the ice pack. I put on my best 'What the fuck' face as I put the ice pack on his head.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He looked at me with a 'Are you joking' face.

"Why did you slam the door on me?" He looked up at me as I kept my 'worried' face on. Aus sat down next to North, not knowing what to say.

"You were hit with the door. Do you feel dizziness?" I asked. South shook his head and looked around, confused.

"But...You and Aus...I'm Sure! I-I think..." He stuck with the 'site' he saw. I tilted my head like I was the confused one. I dicided that I needed to be my 'angry' self to convince South so that's what I did.

"Really?! Your already starting with your imaginary ships!? I fucking just met him! As if I'd like him!" I shouted and turned to Aus.
"And you. Never tip me over or get in my way! I have weapons beyond your wildest dreams!" I shouted.

Australia's POV:
I looked down and sighed. I know it was an act but it still stung. I looked up slightly and walked outside. I sat down on the porch and sighed as I watched the wind blow the fallen leafs around.

South Korea's POV:
I watched Aus walkout and sighed as I looked at North. So much for a new friend. I got up, only to be pushed back down.
"You should stay seated." He said. I looked up and hit his hand. He flicked back.

"You made Aus upset, go say sorry or something!" I whispered-shouted at him. He looked away from me, hands crossed.

North Korea's POV:
The true was, I felt horrible for yelling a Australia. I needed to keep the act through.
"Fine! I will." I said. I walked out and sighed as I closed the door. I hope I didn't make Aus upset. I looked down a him and coughed to get his attention. He jumped alittle and I giggled. He looked back and sighed.
"I'm sorry if I upset you...I didn't mean it." I said. Australia smiled at me and stood up.

"No worries, I'm fine." Australia said. I sighed of relief. I smiled then felt something slither past my leg. I looked down and jumped. I screamed as Australia looked at North with confused.

"S-snake!" I jumped up onto a chair as Australia giggled and picked it up.
Why is he touching the snake?! Australia patted his head and put it in a bucket.

"Sorry, I should put him away when people are over." Australia took the bucket away from me. I sighed and hopped of the chair. Australia sighed and let the snake hang over his shoulders. I smiled...Kinda and looked at the snake. The big, long, possibly poisonous snake and took a deep breath.

"What's with the snake?" I asked. I was curious. Australia smiled and patted the snake as it leaned its head on Aus's cheek. That was cute.. In away.

"He's my emotional support animal, noodles." Australia smiled. I didn't know that! I was so rude to a emotional support animal! Oops. I sighed as Australia walked back inside, I followed after him. South looked up at us as we sat down.

"Well, it's late and we should probably go now, it was great seeing you again Aus." South said. I didn't want to leave but I didn't want South to 'think' anything. Australia smiled and waved at us as I closed the door behind me. I sighed and walked to the car with South.

"So, you like him, hun?" South smirked at me. I blushed and punched his shoulder. He laughed and opened the car door.
"Ooooooo! You do, don't you?" He continued. I sat in the back so I didn't kill him on the way home and just ignored him.

(Noooooooodles :3
Sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy with school starting and all. Well....Have a gr8 day everyone!)

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