Chapter 15

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(I'm back. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm back now and I'll try to update more frequently. Anyhow, the winner this time is Xx_Itz_Spookii_xX )

Australia's POV:

I looked up at my phone vibrating, grabbing it and looked up at the notification bar. One new message from North Korea. I felt a smile creep across my face as I unlocked my phone and went onto Instagram. I smiled at the message. A simple hey. That's it. I tapped my fingers over the screen, typing happily. New Zealand looked over at me and smiled at my face.

"Who's that?" He asked, me hiding my phone.

"No one-" I said quickly, looking down. God, I knew what America's reaction would be to talking to such a person. He didn't even consider him a person. A monster with hidden mysteries behind his walls. That's how he described him. But why? The Korean war? The fact his a communist country? I sighed at the thought and looked up at New Zealand...I didn't hear a word he said- "Huh?-" I coughed.

"I said, you seem happy. Who is it? A crush?" New Zealand giggled. I blushed and grabbed some water from the water bottle in front of him.

"Crush- Nonono! I don't have a crush." I said, realizing that it sounded obvious that I had a crush. I groaned. New Zealand smiled and giggled.

"Ooooooo! Who is it?! I must know!!" New Zealand giggled with excitement. I whined more from embarrassment and pushed him away.

"Bugger off. It's none of your business." I said, sending a simple text back to North, reading: 'Hello ^^' I smiled and put my phone down on the table. America was yapping on about how Russia was kind of his friend but not at the same time? God, he never makes sense, I swear to god-

North Korea's POV:

My head shot up off my pillow at the ding of a new message and grabbed my phone ad looked at it. Hello. Okay- He responded :)… What now?- I need the perfect response. Something nice towards him but informing to me. I know just what to say. I sent...
'How are you?' It's perfect! It notifies him that I care about his feelings today and also tells me how his feeling. Its fall proof! Hahahah!- I looked up at the sudden entry of South, grabbing my rubbish off the floor.
"Hey! What are you doing with my stuff?!" I growled. South looked at me and then at an ice coffee bottle.

"This is rubbish. Junk. I'm cleaning up in here because I'm sick and tired of walking in here and smelling off milk from the 200 ice coffee bottles in here with a mix of anti biotic cream all over the bandages that you leave on the ground from your eye socket! It's disgusting." South gagged and picked it up, putting it in a plastic bag. I groaned in annoyance.

"I mean, you could just not come into my room uninvited you know-" I rolled my eyes and sat up on my bed, looking down at my phone, waiting for a response. South gagged again, picking up a bandage and looking at me.

"Who you texting?" He asked, looking over at me. I hissed at him.

"Piss off. I didn't say you could talk to me...And thank you for cleaning.." I muttered the thank you and looked down. South sighed and smiled.

"Your welcome North." South smiled, cleaning up

(It's short- I'm sorry--)

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