Charpter 10

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North Korea's POV:
I didn't know what to do now.
I felt..Happy. I haven't smiled that much in a long time. My face kinda hurt.
I blushed and smiled, looking down at my phone, looking at Aussie's contact.
I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
Dammit. I think I'm in love...

Australia's POV:
I walked home and opened the door, walking and closing the door behind me.
Noodles looked up from inside her container and slithered around her container happily.
I smiled and walked to the kitchen, gettingthe frozon rats out and getting one out of the bag. I walked over to Noodles and opened her container, putting the rat in for her. She was quick to attack it and start to devour it.
I giggled and sat down on the couch, looking at the unfinished painting.
Should probably finish that..Not right now. I looked down at my phone and smiled.
North seemed nice.
America always said that North was a cold, mean man. He said that about alot of people. 
I smiled and sighed. I had fun today. North seemed cool and all..Even..kinda cute..
I laughed alittle and sighed.
As if. North Korea is one of the most anti LGBT+ countries in the world.I sighed and looked down at my feet.
What to do now. I looked at the time and sighed. It was only 2 pm.
What can I do for alittle while?
I got up and smiled as I got a paint brush and started to paint on the wall again.

North Korea's POV:
I looked up at the ceiling and sighed.
I got up and yawned alittle, stretching my arms out. Did I fall asleep?
I looked at the time and sighed.
Yeah, I did. It was 5 already. I yawned and walked down the stairs to see South making something. I walked down the stairs and looked at him.

South looked up at him and giggled.
"Hey sleepy head." He chucked.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"What are you making?" I asked as I looked at the kitchen then at him. South and looked down and muttered under his breath. I sighed.

"I'm making Hangaram." He smiled. It's a bunch of little foods like rice and chicken and you just pick out what you want.
I smiled and nodded, taking a seat at the table.

South served up all the little bowls and plates of food on the table and grabbed their chopsticks. I had my own pair and so does South. I sighed and took my bowl and chopsticks.
I picked out what I wanted of the multiple bowls and plates and put it in my bowl of rice. It smelt so good though.
South took a seat and grabbed his own, filling his bowl up with what he wanted.
We ate quietly. South tried to start a conversation every now and then but I just ignored it.
I didn't want to talk. I just wanted food. Food is life.

I finished my bowl and yawned a little as I walked to the kitchen and put the bowl in the sink.
South did the same, putting the left over food in containers and in the fridge.
I walked up the stair case.

South looked up and stopped me.

South Korea POV:
"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To my room." He glared at me.

"Your going to leave me with all the dishes? I think not!
게으른 엉덩이를 여기로 데려 가서 내가 엉덩이를 걷어차 기 전에 설거지를 도와주세요. 청구서를 지불하는 것을 보지 못합니다.
(Get your lazy ass back here and help me do the dishes before I kick your ass out. I don't see you payin' the bills.)"
I got sassy and put my hands on my hips.
North sighed and rolled his eyes, walking back down to the kitchen and started to help me stack and wash the dishes.
I smiled and dried the dishes after he cleaned them.
I win...As usual.

(Heyyyyy. I'm back. I know, I suck. Sorry for the long wait.)

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