vii. shifting sands

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       KYA AND BELLAMY sit around a small fire, watching Octavia speak to her guards

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KYA AND BELLAMY sit around a small fire, watching Octavia speak to her guards. "We honor those who died so we might live. All of me for all of us." Octavia recites, her voice carrying through the empty desert.

"'All of me for all of us.'" Kya repeats, muttering the words. "It's kind of beautiful."

Bellamy arches an eyebrow at the redhead. "How so?"

"They lost 400 people. It's a third of everyone in that bunker. They had no idea if they'd ever get out. Yet look at them -- strong, unified. I can see why my dad was terrified, but you gotta admit--it's impressive." Kya explains.

"So is surviving alone." Bellamy responds after a moment causing Kya to turn to face him. "How'd you do it? I know you had the girls, but still."

"It was hard sometimes." Kya comments quietly. "Especially when Eden was first born. Some nights her crying would wake me up and for a split second I'd forget where I was, what had happened. The sound of screaming almost caused me to have a panic attack." She watches as an emotion close to heartbreak plays over Bellamy's face, but she ignores it. "I got used to it though, Madi always helped." After her confession a quietness passes over them before Kya shrugs, beginning to stand from her position on the ground. "I'm tired. You can have the rest of my rations."

Before Kya can reach her tent a scream sounds through the area, yells following close behind. "Medic! We need help! It's Obika!"

"I'll get the med kit." Kya jumps into action, racing towards the medical tent.

"Are we under attack?" Octavia shouts as Miller runs towards them, a body thrown over her shoulder.

"I don't know what's wrong. Please! Hurry! Someone help him!" Miller drops the man's body to the ground as Kya moves to stand over him. Her eyes widen as he begins to frantically shake, slightly backing away from the man. Finally the man stops thrashing around, going limp, giving Kya enough time to move back towards him.

"He's alive but his heart's racing." Kya explains, checking the man's pulse.

"What the hell happened out there?" Octavia aims her question towards Miller.

"We seperated to cover more ground. Then I hear him screaming out that they're everywhere. Then I get to him and there's nothing. It's just more screaming and--" Before Miller can finish his rambling something moves in the man's stomach causing Kya and Octavia to jump back, gasps leaving their lips.

"There's something inside of him." Kya breaths out in horror. "We need to get him in a tent. Now!"

At her words Miller moves forward, scooping the man up. "Hurry! Get him in the tent. Get him in the tent."

"Nobody else comes inside." Kya states as people try to follow.

"Right here. Put him on the table." Bellamy instructs, pushing the maps and other things of the table.

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