xxxix. the dying of the light

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       "SOMEONE GET ME a damn sword!" Kya yells, marching through the halls of the bunker

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       "SOMEONE GET ME a damn sword!" Kya yells, marching through the halls of the bunker. "I'm going to Bardo and I am going to tear Cadogan apart."

"Kya." Clarke runs after her, Gaia, Octavia, Miller, Indra, Jordan, and Hope following after. "Kya, just wait."

"No." Kya snaps, making her way towards the fighting pit. "I'm done." Before anyone else can say anything Kya let's out a gasp, placing a hand on her head as a painful shock travels through her body. It feels like her body is being torn apart as a memory flashes through her mind, expect it's not a memory. It's like she's there.

She looks around Gabriel's lab, watching with wide eyes as Madi steps into the tent, just like she had ten years ago. "Mom." Madi calls. "You have to help her." It all makes sense know, Kya thinks. Madi had come back to warn her, because she knew this moment was going to happen. She knew her sister would need help because she had lived it. It was happening now.

When Kya comes back to the presence she feels a hand on her arm. "What the hell just happened?" Miller questions, everyone staring at the redhead.

"I don't know." Kya breathes, her mind spinning. "But if I don't go now Madi and Eden are going to die."

"Wait." Gaia speaks up. "The guard I killed, he-he had a pill with him, he said that's how he was going to get home."

"A Nano-tracking program." Kya breathes out, moving towards Gaia. "Where is it?"

"It's with his body." Gaia states. "I'll go get it."

Kya mumbles a quick thank you as Gaia runs out of the bunker, going to dig up the dead body. While she does that the redhead runs to her room, grabbing her gun.

"Here." A voice calls. When Kya turns around, a single tear running down her cheek, she see's Octavia standing in the door way, a sword in her hands. "I used this when I was Blodreina." She hands it to the woman. "I used this to kill people who didn't deserve to die, now you are going to use it on people who do."

Kya nods, taking the weapon from Octavia. "Thank you." She whispers, wrapping her arms around the raven haired woman.

When they pull away Octavia grabs Kya's hands, squeezing them. "Go get my nieces back."


When Kya steps out of the Anomaly she's alone. No one is waiting in the stone room and it's quiet. Too quiet. She doesn't waste another minute, running into the hallway. When she notices two guards turning the corner at the end of the hallway she smirks, pulling the sword on her back out of its sheath, twirling it in her hands.

By the time the guards notice her she's already running towards them, shoving the blade into one of their stomachs before ripping it out and spinning to face the other guard, cutting the hand that now had a gun raised at her before shoving it into the guards head. When he falls to the ground she places her foot on his chest, ripping the sword from his skull. Whipping the blood from her face she turns the opposite way, heading towards the M-Cap room.

By the time she's reached the door she's pocketed her sword, pulling two guns out of her back pockets. The minute the door slides open she begins shooting, only stopping when the only people left in the room are Levitt and Cadogan. Her eyes slide across the room, widening when they land on a bloody and unconscious Eden, and a restrained Madi standing in the corner.

"Let them go." Kya states. "Or I kill every single person here."

Cadogan stays quiet, seeing now the true monster who needed to be enlightened the most. "How about we make a deal?"

"No more deals." Kya spits. "You let them go. Now."

"I want to see my daughter." Cadogan begins. "You want to keep yours safe. If you take Eden's place I will let them leave."

Kya clenches her jaw, keeping her eyes on the man. "What are you not telling me?"

Cadogan let's a small smile appear on his face as he nods. "Smart girl. If you choose to take Eden's place, it will kill you. Eden had the key in her head much longer, but even now searching for the code is dangerous, you only had the key in your head for one day. In order to get it we will have to dig deep. Of course there's no guarantee Eden won't die if you choose not to take her place."

"What shouldn't I just kill you now." Kya snaps, her guns trained on Cadogan.

"I know if you chose to, you could in fact kill everyone here." Cadogan nods. "But the question is, will that be before or after my disciples have killed your children."

Kya's quiet for a moment as she thinks, weighing her options. This was it. The Last War. If she took Eden's place Cadogan would get what he needs and her friends and family would be left alone. They could live their lives, finally in peace. Kya would do this. She would do it for her friends, for her girls. She would bare it so they didn't have to. "Ok."

"Kya!" Madi screams, pulling on the chains that were keeping her connected to the wall.

Kya ignores Madi's cries, glancing towards Levitt. "He takes them home." Kya commands.

Cadogan nods, his face unable to hide his excitement. "Deal. Levitt, untie the two young ladies and escort them back to Earth."

Kya stares at the wall in front of her, trying to block out Madi's yells as Levitt get's Eden out of the chair, picking up her limp body. "Kya! Please, you can't! I went back to tell you, please!" Madi continues.

"I'll get some guards." Cadogan offers, knowing the young woman wouldn't leave easily. Kya stands still as three guards enter the room, unchaining Madi as she thrashes against their hold.

"Kya!" The redhead listens to Madi as the guards drag her out of the room. "Kya! Mom, please!"

Kya allows a single tear to fall down her face as the door closes behind Madi, leaving only her and Cadogan in the room. She lifts her eyes, watching as Cadogan gestures to the chair. Kya moves to take off her jacket and remove her weapons before sitting into the chair, staying still as Cadogan straps her in. "This is a very brave thing to do, Kya." Cadogan steps back once she's restrained. "Maybe you were the key after all."

And then she feels pain. Mind splitting, brain melting pain. She let's out a scream as Cadogan searches through her mind, digging into 100 years of memories until he finds the right one. "There it is." Kya can hear him breathe in amazement, the world around her darkening. She can feel her heart begin to slow down, blood no longer pumping to her brain. A sudden bright light makes her focus on the present again, watching as Cadogan steps into the light, disappearing. Letting her head roll back Kya takes her last breaths, accepting her fate. And just as her heart stops beating, her name is called.

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