xxv. she's back

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       "BE CAREFUL

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       "BE CAREFUL. WE'RE close to the camp now." Josephine's voice echos through Kya's head. "When Gabriel hears the engines, he'll-"

"Quiet." Kya cuts her off, focusing on driving the motorcycle. "I'm concentrating." Though it's not Josephine that causes Kya's to lose her grip on the motorcycle, it's the sudden rock in the road that she hits, causing her body to be thrown of the motorcycle.

"Told you I should drive." Josephine exclaims causing Kya to pull herself off the ground, looking up at her. "Now will you give me back control, or do I have to wait until you fall asleep?"

"Shut up." Kya snaps, grabbing the radio off the ground. "I have to call Gabriel."

"Yeah. You broke that, too." Josephine mutters when Kya holds up the destroyed radio.

Engines in the distance cause Kya to stand up. "I have to hide."

"Okay. Here's the deal." Josephine tries. "If we go back to Sanctum, I'll give you your body back." When Josephine see's the look on Kya's face she shrugs. "Fine! We can just wait for my guards to find us. It shouldn't be long now."

"You don't know that they're your people." Kya states. "What if the Children of Gabriel took out your guards? I mean, they do kind of suck. You want to risk losing our head?" With her words Josephine gives in, leading them to a hiding spot she claimed to know about. "I swear to God, if you're lying, I'll take out the mind drive myself and destroy it before I die."

"Yeesh. Tense much? Relax." Josephine quips. "Just keep your eyes moving all around so I can see. We're looking for... this." They stop moving when Josephine gestures to a pile of leaves. "Clear the leaves. You'll find a hatch."

Kya does as she's instructed, brushing the leaves back when her hand hits cold metal. Not wasting any time she grabs ahold of the handle, yanking it up. The dark abyss below the hatch causes Kya to hesitate, but when she hears the motorcycles getting closer she doesn't have a choice.

"Keep your helmets on and your guns ready. These are the enemy's woods." A guard calls as Kya watches them from inside the bunker.

"I guess my guards don't suck after all, huh?" Kya hears Josephine gloat from behind her.

"Stop doing that." Kya closes the hatch completely, searching the room for anything that could help her.

"There should be a light or some matches in the supply kit." Josephine tells her.

"We lay low here until they pass." Kya begins, hurrying over to the supply kit. "Then we go on foot." She's able to find a lighter, a candle sitting next to it. Quickly she lights it, the space around them glowing in a warm light. "What is this place?"

"Observation blind." Josephine explains. "We built them all over. I use them to study species in their natural habitat."

"Studying, huh?" Kya mumbles when she spots an empty bottle of alcohol.

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