xxix. etherea

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COLD. THAT'S THE first thing Kya feels when she comes back to. Cold. It surrounds her. It carries through her body and into her lungs freezing her from the outside out. She forces her eyes open, looking up to a white sky.

"What the hell?" She pulls herself off the ground, jumping slightly when she places her hand on something cold. Looking down, her eyes widen. Snow. Everywhere. As she spins around her heart picks up, nothing but white frost for miles. Just like Ice Nation.

"Kya!" Her body freezes when she hears her name, she shakes her head, trying to wake up from whatever dream she was in. "Kya!" There it was again. This time, closer. A body suddenly collides with her. Kya moves to fight, but stops when she see's familiar curls.

"Bellamy?" Kya whispers, placing her hand on his cheek. He nods, tightening his grip on her. "Where the hell are we?"

"I don't know." Bellamy mumbles, spinning around. "But wherever it is. It can't be good."


They walk for miles, staying close to one another as they try to stay warm. So far they had come upon nothing, no people, no plants, no animals, no water, just snow. "Is that-" Kya stands still, squinting when she see's a flash of red in the distance. "Eden?" Without waiting for Bellamy to answer Kya takes off, the snow slowing her down. She fights against the resistance of the ice as she get's closer to the red flash, closer, closer, closer, there. "Eden!"

Eden spins around when she hears her mother's voice. "Mom?" Kya let's out a relieved gasp, sprinting towards the little girl, Bellamy not far behind her. Kya wraps her arms around the child, ignoring the fact that she had different clothes on from when she last saw her. "Where's Madi."

"I'm right here." Another familiar voice states, Kya pulling away when she see's the raven haired girl. Leaving Eden with Bellamy, Kya runs towards Madi, picking the child up. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Where's here?" Kya questions, pulling away to face Bellamy who had his arms wrapped around Eden to keep her warm.

"We don't know exactly." Madi explains, grabbing Kya's hand. "But c'mon, it's too cold to be outside." Kya let's Madi lead them a good way, her eyes widening when she see's a cabin in the distance. When they enter the building theres already a fire lit, and two blankets laid on the ground.

"How long have you two been here?" Bellamy exclaims, looking around the cabin.

"Its only been a week." Eden offers, not missing the way her mother's eyes shift to her fathers.

"It's the Anomaly, Bellamy." Kya mutters, moving closer to the man as she lowers her voice so the girls can't hear her. "I don't know how all of this works, but that was Madi. I recognized her, even though she was older. I could feel it."

Bellamy nods, placing his hand on Kya's shoulder before turning to the girls. "Does this place have any life. Anything we can use to survive?"

"We tried scouting." Madi supplies. "But it's hard cause it's so cold. What we do know is there's a really big mountain about two miles away, for some reason it doesn't snow over there, but it has crazy storms, one mile away there's a lake with some plants that grow around it."

"What do we do?" Kya questions, glancing towards Bellamy. She could fight anyone, kill anyone, pretend to be anyone, but this, this is stuff she doesn't understand.

"We gather supplies." Bellamy voices. "And then we figure out how to get the hell out of here."


Two months had passed and they were still on the snow infested planet. Sighing Kya takes a seat at their dinner table, it had luckily stopped snowing, but that didn't usually last long. The girls had just fallen asleep and Kya and Bellamy were still trying to figure out how to get back to Sanctum, just like they had been for the last sixty days. "So we know this planet is livable. The plants the girls found thrive best in cold weather, the waters drinkable, and there are days when the snow stops, but that's it. We have no idea how we got here or how to get home."

"Quiet." Bellamy calms her, placing his hand on Kya's. "You'll wake the girls."

"Bellamy, I told Clarke we would be right back when we left. By now she has to know were missing." Kya exclaims. "And she has no idea where we are, we don't even know where we are."

"Okay." Bellamy mumbles. "I don't know much about the Anomaly, but Gabriel did tell me it can alter time. The girls got here a week before us and we were right behind them, so maybe time works different here than on Sanctum."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Kya quips arching an eyebrow.

Bellamy rolls his eyes at her comment, changing the subject. "You know what I want to know is what is at the top of the mountain." On the first month here Kya and Bellamy had done their own savaging, going much farther than Madi and Eden had. They got the chance to see the mountain and its rough terrain themselves. They could see that something was shining at the top of the rock, like the Anomaly, but there was no way of reaching it.

"Oh." Kya shrugs. "Would you like me to fashion you a rope out of snow so you can climb up the damn thing?"

"Kya." Bellamy warns. Around a month and a half ago she had began to get testy, wanting off this god forsaken planet. That much they knew, it was in fact a different planet they were on. At least, that's what they were guessing.

"I'm sorry." Kya whispers, bringing his hands to her lips. "I'm just worried we're going to be stuck here forever."

"We won't be." Bellamy argues. "We always find a way."

Kya hums, her head dropping to the table. Her wondering eyes suddenly freeze, when she sees a stone out of place above the fire pit. Slowly raising her head, she squints at it. "Has that always been there?"

"Been where?" Bellamy questions, trying to follow Kya's gaze, but he couldn't figure out what she was looking at.

"That." Kya points to it, getting out of her seat. "That stone." She bends down in front of it, pushing it back before pulling it forward, her hand hesitating when she see's a piece of paper. "Bellamy."

"What is it?" Bellamy's eyebrows raise as Kya walks back to the table, paper in hand. She quickly rolls it out on the table, her eyes widening when she see's what's on it.

"Six planets." Kya breathes, running her hand over the paper, a map of their solar system. "That's us." Kya points to the planet circled in red. "Etherea."

"What's that?" Bellamy mutters, bypassing all the Anomaly symbols to point at a timer in the corner of the paper.

"It's counting down." Kya's eyes widen in awe as she runs her hand over the timer, the numbers somehow moving on the paper.

"Ten years?" Bellamy questions. "What happens in ten years?"

Kya let's out a quiet groan, making eye contact with Bellamy. "I think that's how long we'll be stuck on this planet."

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