xxvviii. then we get our humanity back

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       "KYA, ABBY, WHAT'RE you doing?" Niylah questions in horror

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       "KYA, ABBY, WHAT'RE you doing?" Niylah questions in horror.

"That's not Kya and Abby." Indra states, her eyes trained on Gaia.

"Very good." Kya speaks up. "Seems we got our nightblood despite what I'm told what you did with Kane. Now you have three seconds to stand down."

"Or what?" Indra exclaims. "If you kill them, we kill you. You didn't think this through."

Kya brings the gun closer to Gaia's head. "1...2-"

"Weapons down." Indra commands before Kya can reach 3.

Kya plasters a fake smile on her face, turning to Russell. "Told ya. Kya's memories may suck,  but they do come in handy."

Russell threatens them, claiming they would all die if they weren't allowed on the ship. With no other choice Indra moves aside, leading them to the mess hall as they bring the hostages in.

"How many more of you are awake?" Abby questions, her gun pointed at Raven's head.

"None." Indra tells her.

"Are you sure?" Abby arches an eyebrow. "We'll sweep the ship. Anyone we find dies, and for each of them, so does one of you. Care to amend your answer?"

"No." Indra's face stays the same, not giving anything away.

"Ok. You're their leader." Russell pushes Eden forward, spinning her around so his gun is pressed against her forehead, which in turn causes Madi to lunge forward, the guard holding onto her yanking her back. "So here's the situation. We're setting sail for planet Beta. It's a 20 year journey. You can take it with us peacefully in cryo..."

"Save Madi and Eden." Kya whispers to Gaia as they begin to undo the hostages restraints. "I'll take care of the rest."

"Or you can die today." Russell pulls Eden towards him, his gun still placed on her head. "We'll give you an hour to decide."

When the hostages are released Eden pulls her gag down, letting out a yell. "Topen." (Attack.) While the grounders didn't know that the flame had been put into someone else, they could feel the presence of the commanders giving them orders in the little girls body. Doing as they're told they lunge forward, immediately getting shot down by the Prime's guards.

Kya turns to Eden her eyes wide, jumping in front of the girl before Abby can reach her, the older woman's gun already pulled out. "No one gives orders, but us." Kya takes a deep breath before raising her fist, knocking Eden out. When she looks up she can see the shocked expression on everyone's faces, Madi's in particular hurting the most. Pushing her emotions down, she smiles turning to Russell and Abby. "Ugh. Let them rot. Come on we have things to discuss."

Once the Primes are in the hall, the circle up. "Devotion like that is dangerous." Russell begins. "They obeyed her even though they knew that they would die."

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