xv. eden never stood a chance

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       "I'M HERE TO see Colonel Diyoza

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"I'M HERE TO see Colonel Diyoza." Kya exclaims, standing in front of the guard.

The guard shrugs. "Sorry. Only McCreary and the Doc are allowed in."

Kya tilts her head to the side. "Well, the doc sent me. She needs her meds. Hormones for the baby."

Before the guard can reply the PA system goes off, McCreary's voice following. "Wheels up in two minutes, boys and girls. Time to end this war. Strap in."

The guard finally gives in, turning to unlock the door. "Make it fast." Kya follows the guard into the room, making eye contact with Diyoza before reaching into her back pocket, imbedding one of her daggers into the guards skull.

"Hello, Kya." Diyoza greets, standing to meet the woman half way.

"I need to get to McCreary and keep this ship on the ground." Kya informs her, snatching a pair of handcuffs off the dead guards body. "You're gonna help me. Turn around."

"It's hard to keep track of whose side you're on." Diyoza comments as she faces the wall.

"I guess we have that in common." Kya mumbles as she locks the cuffs around Diyoza's wrists.

Diyoza smiles. "I guess we do."

"Let's go." Kya mumbles, leading Diyoza out of her cell. Luckily on the way to the main part of the ship no one sees them, giving Kya the element of surprise as she walks into the room. "We're not going anywhere. We're not going anywhere. Raven, cut the engines."

"Copy that." Kya can hear Raven respond. "About time."

"What are you gonna do?" McCreary questions, watching as Kya brings her sword closer to Diyoza's neck. "Kill a pregnant woman?"

"No, if I did that, your baby might live." Kya states, bring her sword down to Diyoza's stomach. "I won't let my children die. Will you? It's over. Tell your men to lower their weapons and I'll lower mine."

"Boss, what do we do here?" One of McCreary's men question, keeping his eyes on the redhead.

"If she moves, shoot her." McCreary states.

"Do you think I'm bluffing?" Kya questions, an edge to her tone. "I don't bluff." McCreary ignores her, instead walking over to an open book on the control panel making Kya glance towards Diyoza. "What the hell is he doing?"

"McCreary...McCreary, no." Diyoza raises her voice when McCreary brings up a launch code. Even Kya knew that couldn't be good. "Kya, you have to stop him. He'll kill us all. Kill him! Right now!"

"McCreary, you can't be this crazy." Shaw interrupts.

"Shaw?" Raven questions, wanting to know what was going on.

"It was our plan for when we got back to Earth orbit. Weaponize the hythylodium to leverage our way to the ground. It'll destroy the valley." At Shaw's words Kya darts towards McCreary's nearest guard, killing the man with one move. Gun shots start to fire at her, but Kya dodges them, moving towards the next man. As she makes it to McCreary he's quicker, hitting the enter button before Kya can slice his throat.

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