Chapter 24 - Are You Ready?

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Niall’s POV:

It’s been a week since me and the lads had come back from touring in the UK. I was taking Allie out every night, sometimes to the cinema, sometimes to a random restaurant, sometimes just for a spontaneous walk, since, according to her, that’s one of the most romantic things a couple can do. It was like the first few weeks when we were together, enjoying every single second we spend together. A truly romantic cheesy guy would say that every drop of happiness tasted like a thousand, but I’m not (a truly romantic cheesy guy, I mean), so I won’t.

Sometimes we double dated, either with Liam and Daniela – who looked happier than ever, and probably mirrored our emotions – or sometimes with Harry and Jeantide. Waking up every morning and getting to see Allie’s peaceful face next to mine’ that was one of the many things I missed when I was on tour. Sometimes it had taken ages for me to sleep because I just wanted my arms around her small body, and the things I would have done for a hug, let alone a kiss, were insane.

Now I got to hug Allie whenever I wanted, talk to her about anything at any time, and take her out on dates, wherever I wanted to! The simple joy I felt when our lips connected, our hot breaths mixing together, two bodies joint as one, is simply indescribable. She’s irresistible, and I was addicted to her.

I was actually keeping my promise that I had made to her: I was treating her like a proper princess – always making sure that I got up before her so that I could make her a cup of hot chocolate, bringing her breakfast in bed, always being the get the picture! She always rolled her eyes at me, or teased me about it, but deep down I knew that she was loving every extra bit of attention I gave her. And she deserved it all! Doing all those little things, they’re what kept me from going mad every time I saw the bruises on her stomach when she changed, or when she grimaced whenever I hugged her too tight.

Her bruises were yellowy now, and although she swore that she didn’t feel any pain any more, I knew her well enough to know better. Just as I was about to start getting angry at the thought that all the pain Allison was going through was because of me, I felt her come up behind me. I was sitting on the sofa, and from behind it, she was gently combing my hair with her hands, messing it up more than ever. I smiled and leaned my head back so that I was looking at her, “What are you doing?” I teased her.

“Your hair’s a lot nicer naturally messy than when it’s gelled into a quiff,” she said softly, bending down and kissing my nose. I laughed softly, “But the fans love the quiff!” I protested.

She walked round the sofa and gently sat herself on my lap, “I’m sure they don’t love it as much as I love you though,” she breathed as she pushed her lips against mine. Unable to resist, I gently sucked on her lip, moving with her as I felt her giggle. She pulled back before I was even nearly ready. I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, “But I was having so much fun!”

She smiled mischievously and tugged at my arm, “I got you something...come see!” She tugged harder but I stayed put, amuse at how though she was putting all her strength into it, she couldn’t even manage to at least move me slightly. I raised an eyebrow at her as she huffed and gave up, “More kissing and I’ll get up,” I tempted her, and winked, laughing as she blushed.

A few minutes later I was finally convinced that she had payed me enough kisses and it was time to see what she had gotten me. She led me to our room and, holding my hand, she opened her bedside table drawer and started rummaging inside it. After a few moments, she handed me a small box. I stared at it, not knowing why on earth she had gotten me a gift. Panicking, I quickly tried to remember what day it was, hoping it wasn’t our anniversary or anything.

Realising what I was thinking, she nudged me, “It’s not a special day, you didn’t forget anything. I bought that after the first week you were touring, I was missing you loads, but when you came back I forgot all about it. I thought of it last night, but you were already fast asleep. See if you like it?”

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