Chapter 15 - Hospital for Nialler

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2 months later: last week of November

Allison’s POV:

My shivering in bed woke myself up. I looked over at the clock I kept on my bedside table; good, it was only two in the morning, that meant I had a couple of hours of sleep left. As I pulled the blanket further up to try and keep warm, I realised why I was feeling so cold all of a sudden; Niall wasn’t in bed with me.

I felt his spot, he had just gotten up, his part of the bed was still pretty warm. As I was about to call out his name, I heard someone throw up in the bathroom. Worried, I jumped out of bed, pulled on my fluffy blue robe and rushed into the bathroom. Sure enough, Niall was on his knees, his hands on the rim of the toilet as he heaved.

I got down next to him and rubbed circles into his back. Eventually he got up shakily and washed his face. My mouth fell open as I saw how pale he was, but I decided not to say anything so as not to worry him.

“Allie...the room’s spinning,” he whispered hoarsely, before he fell onto me. He was still conscious, but barely. I put his arm around me and slowly walked to the kitchen where I sat him down on a chair. He put his head on his hands and groaned. I got him a glass of water and sat down next to him.

He shook his head, “I don’t want anything. I still feel vomit-y.” He moaned. I got up and went over to one of our drawers, and taking out a straw, sat next to Niall again.

“Just a few sips? It’ll probably make you feel better, Nialler! And don’t you want to get the taste out of your mouth?” I asked him softly, cuddling him gently.

He groaned and started sipping, only to cough it all up into a napkin he quickly fetched from the table. I instantly got worried, not even keeping water down was serious.

“That’s it, I’m taking you to the emergency room!” I said in a worried tone.

He shook his head, “It’s not that serious, Allison. I just need to rest.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re not even keeping water down! Give me a sec, lemme just change into something quickly, and I’ll get a shirt for you, you can stay in your pyjama pants,” I told him gently.

I ran into our room and got changed into the first thing I found, then collected my phone, and the keys, and after helping Niall put on his shirt, I slowly helped him walk out the door. He was way too weak for my liking, and I kept getting more and more anxious. It took us about a whole five minutes to get down to the car, because Niall kept stopping for short pauses to catch his breath.

 I buckled him in and hit the gas. Thankfully I knew fairly well where the hospital was, even though I got a bit confused since I wasn’t used to driving around in this dark. I kept glancing over at Niall, who had closed his eyes and was breathing shallowly. His face was really pale and it glistened with a light sheen of sweat.

Once we got there I seated him in the ER and was about to sit down with him when I noticed how many people there were. I patted his hand and went to the front desk, “My boyfriend’s not keeping anything down and he’s really weak he can’t even walk alone and he didn’t even keep a few sips of water down is there anything you can do right now please?” I asked the nurse breathlessly, keeping my fingers crossed.

She gave me a sad look, “Another one? There seems to be some bug going around! I’ll call a nurse, just give me a second, love.”

Giving her a nod and a big thank you, I went to sit down next to Niall. He was shivering now, and I chided myself for not getting him a warmer shirt or a blanket. I put my arm round him and tried to keep him as warm as I could, “They’re getting a nurse, Nialler. It’s going to be fine soon, you’ll see,” I told him, in the most positive tone of voice I could muster.

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